Limes, Oranges, Clementines, Kumquats, Cara-Cara & Grapefruit!

If you buy more citrus in the fall and winter because of the price, then you may
want to know how an orange or grapefruit can benefit your health, so continue
reading, and you’ll get that information.

a) Tangerines-
Certainly more popular this time of the year, and if you suffer from anxiety, eat
more of them. Tangerines contain aromatic oils that activate the brain’s tension-taming
limbic system. And there’s more good news: Tangerines prompt your brain to release a
relaxing neurotransmitter, GABA, increasing focus and calm by 40%.

b) Grapefruit-
The tart fruit has always been used as a quick weight-loss aid, but new research
has found that if you’re feeling sad and blue, (the winter blues) then you should eat
and (drink more) grapefruit. Grapefruit has 2 compounds (lycopene and naringin),
that boost your brain’s production of the mood-boosting hormone serotonin.
Important tip:
If you’re taking any type of blood pressure meds, it’s best you talk to your health-care
provider before adding grapefruit to your daily menus.

c) Cara Cara-
Not as popular or available as oranges or grapefruits, but if you want to stay cold
and flu-free, try Cara Cara. They contain 20% more vitamin C than navel oranges,
and up to 10 times more immunity-enhancing beta-carotene than other citrus.
Boost levels of virus-fighting immune cells by 35% by eating more Cara Cara.
Look for cara cara at well-stocked grocery stores, Whole-food stores, or Asian

d) Limes-
If you overdo the rich meals and buffets this time of year and you suffer from
digestion or abdominal pain, eat and drink more limes. Limes contain limonoids,
compounds that prompt the release of digestive enzymes, plus they stimulate
intestinal muscle contractions.
Important tip:
Stir freshly squeezed lime juice and a little honey into a cup of tea or hot water.

e) Kumquats-
Move over grapefruit, there’s a new weight-loss kid on the block,
if weight loss is your main goal in the new year, add more kumquats to
your daily menus. Eating a kumquat and a little zest (grate some of the peel)
can provide your body with nutrients that block fat absorption in the digestive
tract, plus boost the liver’s production of a compound that helps you burn food
for energy.
Look for kumquats at specialty stores, Asian markets and Whole food stores.

f) Clementines-
This smaller citrus fruit usually sells well this time of year and if the harsh
and dry winter weather beats up your skin, eat a clementine or two each day.
Clementines contain bioflavonoids, compounds that improve circulation
of nutrient-rich blood to the epidermal layer of skin, which kick-starts the
healing in less than a week and helps your skin look smoother and softer
in about 2 weeks.
You can find clementines at any grocery store or supermarket.

* Stanford University, Research Dept.
* UCLA, Research Scientists
* British Research Team
* Journal of Alternative Medicine

Please make sure to share this article with friends and family
who love citrus fruits and want to stay hale and hearty.
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