We all know about the importance of getting 6 to 8 hours of sleep.
We’re told getting 6 to 8 hours can benefit us in a number of ways:
less depression, weight management, better energy and lower rates
of getting diabetes.

Yes, a new study says getting quality sleep can help you avoid diabetes.
Their reasoning: A lack of sleep raises inflammation levels, leading to insulin
resistance. And if this concerns you or a family member, there are some simple
things you can do to get deeper and longer sleep, which will also help you
avoid diabetes.

The Simple Steps:
a) A Bedtime Snack!
Today, we’re being told to avoid eating too close to bedtime, but if tossing and
turning is something you deal with, then you’ll need some help, safe and natural
help. The food solution: Combine a carb with protein. Eat plain Greek yogurt
with berries or cherries.
Not a fan of yogurt? Eat a small bowl of oatmeal or cheerios with milk,
or a slice of bread with some natural peanut butter. Eat 1 or 2 hours before bed.
Researchers say that eating a snack that combines complex carbs with protein
before bed can reduce insulin resistance. The carbs provide a steady release of
glucose, ensuring stable blood sugar through the night, and the protein aids in
sleep by promoting the synthesis of serotonin, a precursor to the hormone

And if you want some additional remedies to ensure a good night’s sleep,
there are 2 other things you can do, and they are…
b) Take a Bath-
A warm bath does more than buoy your mood and safeguard your health,
it can also help you sleep. Warm water decreases inflammation and regulates
blood sugar by triggering the release of nitric oxide, a compound that aids in
the transport of glucose. Plus, soaking in a warm bath for 15 to 20 minutes
can help you fall asleep faster because once you get out of the tub, core
temperature dips, signaling the brain to fall asleep.
And there’s one more benefit: A warm bath lowers cortisol levels (the stress
hormone) and anything you can do to lower stress levels, will certainly
help you fall asleep faster and lower your risk of developing diabetes.

c) The Herb-
You may have heard about the benefits of melatonin and magnesium
for deeper sleep, but new research says that the herb Ashwagandha.
The herb plays a key role in promoting the production of GABA, an
anxiety-curbing neurotransmitter that improves sleep quality.
And now, researchers say that in addition to better sleep, it (the herb)
may also lower your risk of developing diabetes. The herb contains
flavonoids that lower glucose levels.
One brand to take: Ancient Nutrition Stress & Sleep Support. Available
at AncientNutrition.com.
Important tip: Make sure to talk with your personal health-care provider
before taking any type of new herb or supplement.

* Marie-Pierre St.-Onge, Ph.D., Study Author
* Columbia University, Research Dept.
* John Whyte, M.D. Author
* Josh Axe, D.N.M. author of Ancient Remedies
* First For Women Magazine, March 11th 2024- Issue

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