The Baked Good Rx For Lower Cholesterol!
Enjoy Cornbread this Winter Season!
As we approach the winter season and all of the holidays, you have to
use caution and not go overboard.
Use caution and not go overboard?
Yes, as in eating everything in sight.
That’s right, you can still enjoy a slice of pie or cake, some lasagna,
a few slices of turkey and all of the trimmings, but not everyday,
and according to new research, if you’re one who enjoys a hot beverage
and a muffin this time of year, listen up.
According to recent research a simple swap may help lower cholesterol.
Subjects were given baked goods (muffins and wraps) made with whole-
grain cornmeal, refined cornmeal and refined cornmeal with corn bran daily
for four weeks.
And after the four weeks-those who ate the baked products made with
cornmeal with corn bran lowered their “bad” cholesterol (LDL) by as
much as 15%.
The researchers assert that cornmeal with corn bran is rich in fiber,
which helps trap excess cholesterol in the bloodstream.
So, if you plan on having blueberry muffins, cornbread or leftover turkey
sandwiches made with wraps, remember to use cornmeal flour that
contains corn bran.
One more tip:
If your “bad” cholesterol is a little high, and if your doctor suggests
a statin, perhaps a change in the type of flour you use may be
the only medicine you need.
Important tip: Make sure to talk to your doctor before trying this tip
if elevated cholesterol is a concern.
Not sure where to find this type of cornmeal?
No problem, just head to Trader Joe’s, Stop N’ Shop, Kroger’s or Costco
and pick up a bag (or two) of Bob’s Red Mill medium grind cornmeal.
* Arizona State University-Research Dept.
* First for Women magazine-Nov. 4th Edition
Please pass this article on to family and friends who have elevated
“bad” cholesterol and to those who love their baked goods.
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