It’s that time of year again: Birds chirping, grass starting to become greener
and flowers are blooming, and along with all these great things, there’s something
not so great, and that’s Spring allergies.
If you or a loved one sneezes, wheezes or coughs your way through Spring,
pass on the over-the-counter meds (they may cause brain fog and drowsiness)
and opt for something natural, like…

a) A Cup of Tea-
Drinking ginger tea or eating a piece of candied ginger each day can help
those itchy eyes, runny noses and nasal congestion just as effectively as
Claritin. Compounds in ginger called Gingerols and Shogaols, blunt the
activity of immune system cells that amp up the body’s allergic response.

b) Try Asian Medicine-
And the medicine the Asians use can be found in the hands and feet.
Also known as reflexology, which is pressing on a certain pressure point
to get relief and to get relief from allergies-just press on the spot between
your eyebrows. Apply pressure for a min. or two each day and your symptoms
will decrease by 55%. Stimulating the nerve rich area sends signals to nasal
tissues to tame inflammation.
Allergy relief pt. 2- If your eyes start to water, massage the webbing between
all of your fingers for a few minutes for some quick relief.
And lastly, if you want more tips on how massage helps with allergies or
other ailments, go to and type acupressure for allergy relief
in the search bar and watch a video or two.

c) Have Candy-
Not a Snickers bar or Gummi Bears, no, the candy we recommend is homemade.
After eating an orange or two, save the peel, clean it thoroughly and cut it into
small pieces (squares)- place in a bowl, and pour a little dark honey on top, coat it
well and then put the orange-covered peels on a small baking sheet. Bake until
slightly golden, remove, let cool and place in a plastic baggie or small container.
And use whenever your allergies start to act up, chew on a piece or two
of the candy for blessed relief.

d) The Outdoor Rx-
Well it’s from the outdoors, but it comes from a supplement. The supplement-
Pycnogenol, a compound taken from the bark of a pine tree, and it’s
used to curb the production of histamine, a symptom-causing chemical
released by the immune cells. To benefit from this supplement- you
must take 50 mg. a day with food, twice a day.
Before taking this or any other supplement-make sure to talk with your
doctor or health-care provider.
Best Pycnogenol to take can be found online at, Natrol

e) Air Fry-
Some fries. More specifically- Sweet potato fries. Eating four cups of
sweet potatoes weekly eases even the worst cases of allergies in as
little as 10 days. Sweet potatoes are nature’s top source of beta-carotene,
a nutrient that strengthens the tissues lining your airways so they’re
less likely to react when you inhale pollen.
Another tip: Use extra-virgin olive, turmeric and black pepper
on your fries, all three foods help you absorb more of the beta-carotene.
And watch the foods that usually accompany the fries, burger with buns,
ketchup, sweet beverages, milkshakes and desserts made with white flour.
All of these foods make allergy symptoms worse.

f) A Recipe For Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries-
1 Tbs. of olive oil
1 tsp. of garlic powder
1/2 tsp. of turmeric
1/2 tsp. of dried oregano
1/4 tsp. of black pepper
1/4 tsp. of sea salt
4 Sweet Potatoes. peeled and cut into 1/4″ thick matchsticks
To make:
Heat up your air-fryer according to the directions at 400*F.
In a large bowl, whisk together the first 6 ingredients. Add the potatoes;
toss until well coated. Transfer half to fryer basket; cook 12 mins.
shaking halfway through. Repeat with the second batch and serve
hot. Add more seasonings if you like. Enough for 4 servings.

One last tip: You can also peel some sweet potatoes and
slice them into 1″ circles, place on a baking sheet, add some grated
ginger and pour a little honey and the juice from one orange on top
and bake for 20 minutes, at 350*F.
All four ingredients will also help you combat the onslaught of
pollen this Spring.

* Journal of Complementary Medicine
* German Research Team
* All-Recipes, The Air Fryer Edition
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The more people that know about alternative methods for dealing with illnesses
and ailments, the better.
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