If you’re a fan of lists, then you may already be aware of the
“states lists,” you know, the “best to state to retire to” or
the “safest states in the U.S.A.” or, you get the picture.

Well today, there’s a new list and if staying healthy and living longer is
a concern, you may want to take a look at this list.

The list:
“America’s Healthiest States.”
There was the “unhealthiest states in the U.S.” a while back,
but today, researchers decided to give some credit and love to
our healthiest states.

So, if you want deeper sleep or to live a longer, then you must read this list.

First up,
A healthier heart and brain.
If your blood pressure levels are high, you may want to move to Missouri.
Yes, folks in Missouri have some of the lowest rates of blood pressure in
the country. Why, you ask?
Researchers say their love of nuts is the reason.
That’s right, Missourians eat walnuts, pecans, chestnuts and other nuts
which grow wild and in orchards all over the state. You’ve been told that too
many nuts may contribute to weight gain and other health problems, but
researchers say that eating a small amount each day keep blood vessels relaxed
and open to prevent high blood-pressure surges that can raise the risk of heart
disease and stroke. No need to move to Missouri to get the benefits,
just eat a small amount of assorted (top quality) nuts a few times a week
and do not add the nuts to cakes, brownies or other desserts and hope to
stay heart healthy.

Less Stress-
Most people may think of Iowa or Wyoming as the least stressful states,
and they may be, but researchers say it’s Minnesota. They (the researchers)
say that the 10,000 plus lakes may contribute to the lower stress levels.
Spending time near any type of water (pond, lake or ocean) stimulates a
series of nerves (the parasympathetic nervous system) that induces a deep,
lasting sense of calm-and that can prevent stress surges if you relax near
water for 30 minutes each week.

Deeper Sleep-
People in big cities like New York, L.A. or New Orleans may want to relocate
if they’re having trouble sleeping and should they decide to move, they have
to go to Vermont.
Researchers say that the most well-rested state is Vermont, which has the
largest number of evening readers. You’re probably thinking, the low crime rates,
the wide open spaces, the parks and all of the trees would be the reasons for
the well-rested residents, but researchers say no, it’s reading at night that can
help you get to sleep and stay asleep. The relaxation that comes from reading
a good crime novel, a celebrity autobiography or even the bible helps you get
to sleep faster, sleep more deeply and wake up feeling more refreshed.

High IQ’s-
If you want your kid to get into a “college-state” of mind and get
more into their studies then you should head to Massachusetts.
Researchers say that more people under 50 are college-educated.
Another reason: The schools.
The schools that are in Mass. (Harvard, Boston U. Tufts and M.I.T.) but it’s
also because of the technology companies that are located there which
attracts a number of smart people.

All-Day Energy-
If you find that your energy starts to run out around 3:00 or 4:00 pm,
you may want to head to Alaska. The key to all-day energy is keeping
blood sugar levels steady so your brain and muscles stay fueled.
And Alaskans spend about 30 to 60 minutes fewer minutes watching
T.V. and their phones and instead, use that time to do some type of outdoor
activity, be it hiking, running, hunting or just communing with nature.
And all of the activity helps lowers rates of tiredness-triggering blood-sugar
troubles and type 2 diabetes.

More Joy-
Finland has been called “the happiest country in the World,” but for those
who don’t plan on moving to Finland, then you may want to head to Utah.
They (people from Utah) love getting together with family and friends to
and staying connected. To bring more happiness into your life, do what
Utahans do and set aside some time each week to email, text or zoom
with family and friends. If you don’t have family or friends around, then
go to a church service, volunteer (at an animal or homeless shelter),
join an exercise club (or walking group) or talk to neighbors as they
do yard work or collect their mail.

Live Longer-
The top spot for reaching your 90’s and 100’s used to be Loma Linda, Calif.
but a new spot (a state) has emerged as the place you want to live if longevity
is a goal.
That place: Hawaii.
This holds true especially for women. Researchers say that not only will your golden
years be spent with fewer aches and pains, but you’ll also have stronger bones,
a better memory and a fitter body. Is it the food, the beautiful water, or the average
temperature of 70 degrees? It’s these things, plus the number of sunny days
the people enjoy.
The sun, isn’t that a no-no? Not according to recent research, which says getting more
vitamin D keeps tissues and cells in great shape and helps every organ in your body
function at its peak. Now that it’s warm out, try and expose your skin to the sun
for 20 mins.
And lastly, if you’re unable to get outdoors, you may want to take a vitamin D-3
supplement. Talk to your doctor about a great brand of vitamin D and the dosage.

* Columbia University, Research Dept.
* University of Michigan, Research Dept.
* First for Women, May 27th 2024 Edition

Please make sure you pass this valuable information on to family
and friends who want better sleep, less stress and to live a little longer.
Share it over at Facebook, What’sApp, Snapchat, Instagram (Stories),
Pinterest, Reddit, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).
