Eat the 7 following foods everyday.

Ladies, did that second serving of lasagne, brownies and glass of wine
cause bloating, breakouts and blemishes the next day?

Well, your diet does play a key role in balancing the hormones in your
body, which in turn controls your mood, energy levels, digestion, metabolism
and libido and if you want to balance your hormones and aren’t sure
which foods to eat, you’re in luck, just look below for the answers.

a) Sweet Potatoes-
Another win for the orange carb. Eat more sweet potatoes as they’re easily
digestible and keep your ovaries healthy. But wait, they also keep blood sugar
levels stable and prevent insulin spikes, which creates a healthy environment
for ovarian function.
Try and eat 50 to 70 grams of complex carbs a day.
And if you tire of sweet potatoes- brown rice and quinoa are good alternatives.

b) Cruciferous Veggies-
If you enjoy kale, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower continue to eat them, as they
help your liver metabolize estrogen, the main female sex hormone that controls
your monthly cycle and keeps hormones levels at bay.
Go easy on these vegetables, too much fiber can cause constipation
and indigestion. Aim for a cup of any high fiber vegetable a day.

c) Salmon-
Rich in omega-3 fatty acids that lower blood pressure triglyceride levels.
Nutrients in salmon also have anti-inflammatory properties that keep
skin clear, bones strong, libidos high and teeth healthy.
Also eat the less expensive, canned tuna (in water), sardines and walnuts.

d) Almonds-
Loaded with healthy fats, high in protein, fiber and other important nutrients,
that control blood sugar, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, plus
reduce your hunger by 35%.
Try and eat between 10 and 20 almonds each day.

e) Avocados-
Good for you fats, rich in omega-6 fatty acids, plus vitamins C, E and K,
which work in unison to balance your estrogen levels.
Try and eat 1/2 to 1 full avocado 3 to 5 days each week.
Add a few slices to a sandwich or soup, or puree it in the blender
and use it a sandwich spread or dessert, (add cocoa powder, banana and 1
Tbs. of honey) for a super-healthy chocolaty dessert.

f) Olive Oil-
Mentioned on a number of posts in the past, extra-virgin olive oil is a healthy
fat that contains monounsaturated and omega-9 fatty acids that lower your risk of
heart disease and diabetes and even more good news: olive oil has also been named
as one of the best foods to keep your breasts healthy, i.e. a lower chance of getting
breast cancer.
Try and get 1 to 3 Tbs. each day, no more than that as each Tbs. is about 100 calories.

g) Yogurt-
Many people have given up dairy and that’s too bad as it (yogurt) contains probiotics,
and probiotics support a healthy gut by balancing estrogen, thyroid and phytoestrogen
Try and eat a cup of top quality plain Greek yogurt each day, and make sure to
read the label and look for one that contains live and active cultures.
And if you’ve sworn off dairy, get those probiotics from fermented foods or drink.
Sauerkraut, kimchi, miso and Kombucha tea. Probiotic-rich foods are especially
beneficial for women going through perimenopause, menopause or have
painful PMS symptoms.

That’s it, the 7 best foods to balance hormones (for women).

* (Purewow)
* Healthy Aging Magazine
* Women’s Health Magazine
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