Ladies, eat your way to better post menopausal health!

Ladies, if you’re suffering from hot flashes– the upcoming hot months
of June, July and August will only make them worse.

So, what do you do to combat them (hot flashes).
Well, you do the usual: exercise, “eat right” (very little or no processed
food) and reduce your stress levels.

If you do these 3 things, you should notice a significant difference,
but hold on, there’s one more thing that can really help you fight those
hot flashes and that is-add these foods and beverage.

The 5 Best Foods:
a) Leafy Greens-
You may as well take it as a given that any article that suggests you add
a healthy food to your diet, bet on one of those foods being leafy greens.
In relation to fighting hot flashes, they greens are high in powerful antioxidants
like vitamin C, which tamp down oxidative stress, cell damage that can trigger
menopause symptoms like hot flashes.
Also important: Make sure to get plenty of other colorful fruits and vegetables
into your system, as they too, fend off flushing symptoms.

b) Seafood-
Ah yes, grilling season and seafood, a winning combination. To help lower
the inflammation in your body, eat more high-quality seafood. Fish is loaded
with omega-3 fatty acids, which lowers the internal inflammation that can
bring on flushing. Aim for 3 to 4 ozs. of seafood two to three times a week.
Also important: When making your seafood dishes, whether inside on top of
the stove or on the grill, just make sure to prepare it in a way that benefits
your health. I.E. no deep frying in a vat of seed oil (canola or vegetable)
or coat it in fattening sauces or other toppings.

c) Edamame-
This bean product is relatively unknown in a large part of the U.S. but it’s becoming
more popular.
Lowering estrogen levels disrupts the body’s temperature regulator (the hypothalamus)
to trigger hot flashes. So, to lower estrogen levels in your body, eat more
Non-GMO soy beans, tofu, edamame and drink soy milk. The plant compounds
in these products are similar to estrogen and help close the hormone deficit.
Eat 1/2 cup of soybeans or edamame or drink some soy milk a few times
a week and reduce hot flashes by 80%.

d) Nuts and Seeds-
A very popular snacking option in the U.S. but it can also be fattening.
Both food choices are high in vitamin E, and it’s a vital nutrient that
reduces hot flashes by helping to regulate hormone levels. Eating
a small amount of walnuts, pumpkin seeds or almonds each day can
reduce hot flash frequencies and severity by 35%.

e) The Minty Rx-
If you’re a fan of candy canes or other peppermint candy, rejoice.
Rejoice in the fact, that a piece of peppermint candy or breath
mint can lower body temperatures. Mint contains menthol,
which activates a cold sensor in the skins that signals the nervous
system to lower body temperature, alleviating hot flashes from the
inside out.
Don’t want the sugar from a piece of peppermint candy?
Buy some peppermint tea and make a big pot, let it cool
down, and pour it into a big container or pitcher (refrigerate it)
and enjoy a few glasses of unsweetened peppermint iced tea
throughout the day.

f) A Cup of Tea-
Another tea remedy and if black or green tea aren’t helping to end hot
flashes, then grab the herb that’s popular on Thanksgiving.
The herb: Sage.
That’s right, a popular ingredient in stuffing recipes, but rarely used
any other time of the year, cup or two each day can reduce
moderate hot flashes by 75% and eliminate up to 100% of severe
flushing . Compounds in sage tea enhance signaling between the
brain and body systems including sleep, mood temperature regulation
and thinking abilities, effectively quashing menopause symptoms.
One more tip: Like the tip concerning peppermint, you can make a whole
pot of sage tea and drink it hot or cold throughout the day.

That’s it, the 6 Best foods and beverages to end hot flashes.

* Journal of Midlife
* Journal Nutrients
* Health Care for Women International
* University of Southern California, Research Dept.

Please make sure to pass this very valuable article on to
family and friends who are dealing with hot flashes at this
time in their lives. You can share it on Facebook, Instagram (stories),
Reddit, Pinterest, What’sApp, Snapcht, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).
