Grocery store Rxs for a good night’s sleep.

If you’re one who tosses and turns or wakes up frequently during the
night or it takes you awhile to get to sleep and you’re using sleep aids,
then you might want to take a look at this post.

The post: The 6 Best Foods To Help You Get Quality Sleep.
The following 6 foods contain sleep-enhancing nutrients like
trytophan and melatonin, both of which are necessary for a
good night’s sleep.

The 6 Best Sleep-Enhancing Foods!
a) Turkey!
Yes, it’s true. Eating some turkey is a great way to get to sleep and stay asleep.
Unfortunately, Americans overdo it and load up on the sides (mashed potatoes,
stuffing, Mac & Cheese and gravy) these foods also help you sleep, but too many
carbs also contribute to laziness, sluggishness and apathy.
So, to get quality sleep, ditch the sides and just eat a few slices of
turkey. (white and dark meat) and save those sides for that one
special day-Thanksgiving.

b) Kiwi-
The fuzzy fruit has a number of great benefits, many of which are never
revealed, but thanks to new research, which says eating 1 or 2 an hour
before bed can help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

c) Fatty Fish-
Many people only know about the benefits to heart health and brain health,
but the omega-3 fatty acids in fish can also help you sleep through the night.
Eat some salmon, a can of sardines and tuna, trout, cod and mackerel
a few times a week.

d) Tart Cherry Juice-
Although the news about the benefits of cherry juice for one’s sleep
has been in the news for over a decade, far too many people aren’t taking
advantage of it. In addition to helping you get to and stay asleep, new research
say that a small amount of tart cherry juice can also help you avoid the
frequent wake-ups to urinate. Yes, it can help stop the 3 to 4 trips to the
bathroom each night.
Important tip:
Make sure you buy a top quality tart cherry juice without sugar. Or
purchase some fresh cherries and run them through a juicer
or blender.

e) High Fiber Foods-
Foods with plenty of fiber can also help your sleep.
Foods like whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, especially berries and fruits
with the peels ( peaches, plums, apples) and Leafy greens are some of
the best options.

f) Bananas-
Yes, a high fiber fruit, but it also contains ample amounts of trytophan and
if you really want to get to sleep quickly, researchers say spread some natural
peanut butter on a 1/2 slice of whole grain bread and sprinkle a tiny amount
of nutmeg on top. Researchers say this works better than a glass of warm milk.

So, if you were considering going on doctor-prescribed sleep aids or
over-the-counter sleep aids and were concerned about the prices, the
side effects, etc, stop and head to your local grocery store and try the
medicine provided by nature first.

And for more details about the above-mentioned foods, go to the site-
@health_com and read the full article there. Type the 5 Best Foods To Help
You Sleep In the Search Bar.

* Article by Anthea Levi, R.D.
* Medically reviewed by Barbie Cervoni-R.D.
* Journal-Nature’s Medicine April 2023 Issue

Please make sure to pass this article on to family and friends who
struggle with insomnia. You can share it on Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram
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