Yes, it’s already 2 months into the summer season and if you’re still struggling to lose
weight from the past winter months, there’s some good news for you.

The good news:
There are 6 foods that are not only delicious, but also great for helping you
tone and tighten up.
And if you feel that this summer (bikini) season is lost, don’t despair,
just hold onto this list and start eating these foods next Feb. or March.

The 6 Food For a Slim & Trim Summer Body.

a) Olive Oil-
Dress up your salad with some or add a little oil to a veggie stir-fry and your
metabolism will thank you. Compounds in extra-virgin olive oil work as a
natural gentle diuretic and metabolism booster when it soaks into tissues.
Use this oil in place of other fats and you’ll shed 80% more weight.

b) Avocados-
Here’s another win for the green fruit, if you’re hoping to nourish your gut
and create healthy bacteria, then this is the “good fat” you’re looking for.
Avocados are loaded with phytosterols, plant compounds that fuel the
growth of healthy intestinal bacteria. These gut “good guys”: send “I’m full
signals to the brain so you’re less likely to overindulge.

c) Green Beans-
Do yourself and your waistline a favor this Summer and buy fresh green beans.
Adding this food to your daily menus can help you lose 30% more belly fat
each week. Green beans are packed with vitamin C, a nutrient that activates
lipolysis, or fat burn inside abdominal fat cells.

d) Peaches-
Another reason to enjoy the summer months: fresh peaches and if you enjoy
1 or 2 a day, you’ll shut down cravings for other unhealthy food by a whopping
70%. Key nutrients in peaches called polyphenols flood into your bloodstream
within 30 minutes and then quickly steady blood glucose levels. This prevents
hunger-triggering blood-sugar dips.

e) Beef-
Grilling a burger, steak or beef ribs is what most Summers are all about
and if you’re being guilted into grilling chicken breasts or salmon steaks,
stop and bring back the beef. Often given a bad rap, eating a few servings
of beef each week helps you effortlessly eat 500 fewer calories each day,
which translates into about 10 pounds over an 8 week period.
When the amino acids in beef reach the stomach, they prompt the release
of three hunger-killing hormones.

f) A Nutty Treat-
We are often advised to eat almonds, walnuts and pistachios,
but if you want to boost metabolism and shed weight more easily,
then you’ll have to add some macadamia nuts to your daily menus.
Macadamia nuts boast rich stores of a compound called palmitoleic
acid and when it’s released into the bloodstream, it forces adipose cells
to release their stored fats so they can be burned for fuel.

* Arizona State University, Research Dept.
* University of Washington, Investigative Team
* Brazilian Research Dept.
* First for Women, Magazine-7/24/23 Edition

Please make sure to pass this article onto all family and friends who
gain weight during the Winter months and then try to lose it too quickly
for the upcoming Summer season.
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