The grocery store Rxs for beautiful teeth and gums.

In the past, we were told to avoid certain foods (sweets, candy, processed carbs, etc.)
if we wanted to keep our teeth and gums in tip-top shape.
But we’re never told what foods to eat to avoid such damage.
Well today, you’ll learn about the 6 best foods to eat to keep your teeth and gums
in perfect shape well into your 60’s, 70’s and beyond.

The 6 Best Foods For Healthy Teeth & Gums!

a) Tomatoes-
Oh no, tomatoes are turning out to benefit your health in more ways than
say blueberries and avocados and if your gums are inflamed, (redness, bleeding
and always sore) eat and drink more tomatoes and tomato juice.
The red beauties are loaded with lycopene, an incredible antioxidant that protects
cells from aging and damage. Plus, the lycopene in tomatoes support gum health
and reduces the risk of gum disease.
Important tips: Cooked tomatoes are better for your gums and health than uncooked
tomatoes and for those who tire of cooked tomatoes, look for a drug store lycopene-
based gel and rub some on your gums.
Also look online for recipes to make healthy (low-sodium and low-sugar sauces
and juices).

b) Honey-
Wait, a sweetener to help teeth and gums? Yes. Honey helps disinfect and
stimulates healing of oral tissues. Massage some “good quality” dark honey
into inflamed gums and cut healing time in half. Also add a little to honey to
your morning tea, coffee or smoothie.

c) Bell Peppers-
Think citrus has the highest levels of vitamin C? Not true, it’s bell peppers
and if you want to keep collagen proteins that make up teeth and gums
levels high, start eating and (juicing) more bell peppers.
Fun Fact:
Think all colored bell peppers are the same?
Not true, the yellow bell peppers contain more vitamin C.

d) Celery-
Celery juice was all the rage about a decade ago, but today, it’s
falling out of favor. Well, you can restart the craze again, but just make
sure to advise people to chew it. Cut it into bite-size pieces and use it
to scoop up healthy dips, or eat it with natural peanut butter and reduce
your risk of developing cavities.
Snacking on celery can nourish good oral bacteria.
It (celery) is rich in nitrates, compounds that act as oral prebiotics.

e) Carrots-
Often recommended for your eyesight, researchers now say they’re
also good for your gums. Why? The vitamin A in them promotes saliva
production and the more saliva you produce, the cleaner your mouth
will be. And deficiencies in this vitamin can lead to inflammation of the
mucus membrane, loose teeth and even dry mouth.
So, eat carrots to clean out the bacteria and food particles in your mouth.
Another tip: Another food that will also help to clean bacteria out of your
mouth. Apples. Preferably the less sweeter green apples.
Eat one an hour after a meal of white carbs and/or sweets, or if
you don’t have your toothbrush with you.

f) Eggs-
Yes, we know, we’re told they’ll raise your cholesterol levels (proven to not
be true) scientists have been totally in the dark about what they (eggs)
can do for tooth enamel. Eggs are loaded with vitamin D,
(mainly the yolks) and it (vit. D) is especially important for tooth mineralization,
a process that repairs tooth enamel.
Plus, vitamin D also improves gum health by strengthening the
body’s antibacterial defense system and reducing inflammation.
Another tip: Look online for other foods and beverages that contain
vitamin D. Eat and drink those as well to increase vitamin D levels.

* Alice Hoang, D.M.D. founder of Mint Dental in N.Y.C.
* Journal- Scientific Reports
* Cosmetic Dentist Michael Kosdon, D.D.S.
* First for Women Magazine-July 1st Edition

Please pass this article on to loved ones who want to keep their
gums and teeth healthy well into their golden years.
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