Just say no to Hangovers!

What are your plans for Dec.31st?
If you plan on drinking and don’t want to wake up with a queasy stomach or pounding
headache, you may want to this fatty fruit, drink this type of water and take
this supplement.

For more details, continue reading.

a) Eat This Fruit-
If queasiness is the one thing that occurs after having a drink or three,
you may want to pick up a few avocados right now.
Yes, the fatty fruit and to outsmart the next-day queasiness that
often occurs in some drinkers, do this…
An hour before heading out to ring in the new year, eat some avocado.
It could be avocado mixed with lemon juice and salsa, or mashed with
some olive oil on a piece of gluten-free toast or a sweeter version,
which is an avocado, 1/2 banana, 1 Tbs. of honey and 1 Tbs. of dark
cocoa mixed together and made into a type of pudding.
The combination of avocado and some fat, (banana, honey and olive oil)
blocks the queasiness, even if you do down an adult beverage or three.
Good fats create a protective lining in your gut. Plus, they help alcohol
absorb into the bloodstream up to 4 times slower and this will prevent
the liver from releasing a flood of acetaldehyde, a toxic compound that
researchers have pinpointed as a leading cause of hangover-induced

b) Drink Some Of This Water-
The old school method of drinking water or even milk to coat your stomach
before the big event is just that-old school, the new and improved method
of blocking headaches: Drink salted water.
Being just a little dehydrated may cause a serious headache in some revelers.
And overdoing the alcohol can switch off a hydration-regulating hormone called
vasopressin, which causes your body to lose 4 oz. more liquid than it takes in
from wine, a cocktail and beer. But drink a salty glass of water and you’ll boost up
the hydration and prevent the throbbing head pain.
To make your own electrolyte-beneficial beverage-simply fill a reusable water bottle
with water, 1/8 tsp. of sea salt (or Himalayan) salt before heading off to the
big event (New Year’s Eve party).
Another tip: Keep the salt water near you and take a sip in between sips of alcohol
and you should avoid the pounding headache.

c) Take This Supplement-
Most people don’t want to think about or even take a supplement before
going out, but if next-day tiredness is a concern, then you may want to
look into taking Panax ginseng. Take this after your last drink and reduce
hangover-reduced fatigue by 55%. The medicinal root powers the liver to break
down and excrete the alcohol, while you sleep, removing fatigue-triggered toxins
from your system so you wake up refreshed and energized.
Important tip:
Make sure to check with your health-care provider before adding any type of
supplement to your daily regimen. If your Dr. gives you the okay sign-
200 mg. should be enough to help you wake up full of raring-to-go energy
on Jan. 1st, 2023.

That’s it- 3 simple strategies to outsmart the aches and pains of overindulging
on Dec. 31st.

And for those who may not do the 3 tips provided here, you may want to go back
and look at our post from last year. The Post: Foods that help you overcome
hangovers. (Jan. 2022).

* Thomas Jefferson University, Research Dept.
* Finnish Research Team
* Research In Food & Function

Please make sure to pass this post on to friends and family who plan
on ringing in the new year with a cocktail, some beer and a glass (or two)
of Champagne. Share it over at Facebook, Tik-Tok, Pinterest, Snapchat,
Instagram and Twitter.

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From the writer and creators of GroceryListsRxs.com