We’re 40 days into the fall season and many of you know that the color that
best represents this season is Orange. It’s the color the leaves turn when
they’re about to fall and the color of Halloween and if you want more
energy and more happiness, then you should include some Orange in your
daily menus.
In other words, eat the orange foods that people seem to buy, cook and eat
more of this time of year.

The two foods:
Pumpkin and Sweet Potatoes.
Pumpkin Lattes, pumpkin pie, pumpkin soup, baked sweet potatoes
with sour cream, sweet potato pie and sweet potato casseroles.

So, if you’re a fan and want the health benefits, stock up and enjoy.
And listed below, are the explanations of why sweet potatoes and
pumpkin are so beneficial.

First up-
Whether you eat it fresh or from a can, just make sure you get plenty of it
this fall and winter, doing so can boost your energy levels in as little as 3 days.
Give credit to carotenoids, the plant pigments that give the gourds their orange
color, with helping muscles produce ATP, a potent energizing molecule.
Need ideas for how to incorporate more of this orange treat into your daily
No problem, here are 2 ideas for you.
* Pumpkin pancakes or Muffins.
Stock up on canned pumpkin and spoon some of the puree into pancake mix
or muffin batter. Or if you like savory and have a fresh pumpkin you’re about
to toss out, just roast 2 cups of peeled, cubed pumpkin with 2 Tbs. of
olive oil and 1 Tbs. of sage at 400*F for 40 mins; then toss this mixture
into a bowl of cooked pasta and sprinkle some grated Parmesan cheese
on top.

Next up, Sweet Potatoes.
Blue moods and sadness are more prevalent this time of year and if
you suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder), then the tasty orange
tubers may help.
Eat them a few times a week and the more calm and happier you’ll be.
Just 1/2 cup of the orange spuds a few times a week, could cut your risk
of feeling depressed this fall and winter in half. The 2 compounds in
sweet potatoes are called lutein and alpha-carotene and these two
compounds calm the brain’s anxiety center and increase the production of
mood-steadying serotonin.
More tips:
To really boost moods and avoid the dark and blue moods associated with
the fall and winter seasons , eat some fish with those sweet potatoes.
Baked or broiled salmon, mackerel, flounder, trout and sardines will flood your
body and brain with omega-3’s fatty acids and keep those dark and depressive
moods at bay.
Please go back and reread our posts on Fish to combat the winter blues.
If you are a fan of sweet potatoes, make sure to prepare them in a way
that’s beneficial to your mental health. I.E. watch the amount and (types)
of fats and sugars you put into your sweet potato dishes.
As you may already know, too much sugar and “bad fats” can cause blue
and depressive moods. Need recipes? Go to google.com or youtube and type
healthy sweet potato or low-sugar sweet potato recipes in the search bars.

That’s it, the 2 orange foods for a more energetic and happier Fall season.

* Jackson State University, Research team
* Alternative Medicine Journal

Please make sure to pass this article on to loved ones who may suffer
from blue moods or low energy during the fall and winter seasons.
Or pass it along to those who just love eating more pumpkin and
sweet potatoes this time of year. Share the info over Facebook, Pinterest,
Snapchat, Instagram (stories), Reddit, Tik-Tok and X- (Twitter).