Be Like Tom!

Football great Tom Brady, just won his seventh super bowl
at the age of 43. And if you’re wondering how he’s able to
continue performing at such a high level, just look
at his diet.

What type of diet?
The alkaline diet.
What is that, you ask?
As we age, our bodies become more acidic, due to the poor food
choices, air pollution and even stress.
And this diet eliminates the high acidity levels and returns it
to a more alkaline state.

To achieve this-you must eat a diet of unprocessed and gluten-free
plant foods, like non-starchy vegetables, not too-sweet fruits,
nuts, (no peanuts), brown rice, quinoa, coconut and olive oil,
and water spiked with lemons.

To get you started–here are some dishes to make tonight to help
you become more alkaline.

Recipe no. 1- Burrito Bowl
brown rice 2 cups cooked
guacamole- make or buy it (look at the ingredients)
salsa -make or buy it (look at the ingredients)
olive oil- a Tbs. or two
black beans- one can, rinse thoroughly
cumin-1/8 tsp.
onions- 1/2 chopped
garlic- 2 cloves, minced

To make:
Toss peppers; onions, garlic and a pinch of cumin together,
add to a skillet that’s been heated to medium with a Tbs. of
olive oil, stir for a minute or two, making sure to keep
garlic and onion from turning brown, add black beans,
heat for a few more minutes, turn off the heat, and place this over
a plate of brown rice.
Serve some guacamole and salsa in separate bowls
and spoon either one or both over your burrito bowl .
Enough for 2 to 3 servings.

And don’t think that this diet is spartan or limited,
here’s a dessert to have after your burrito bowl.

The Recipe: Detox Chocolate Mousse-
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/8 cup of chia seeds
1 avocado
1/4 cup of good quality cacao powder
2 dashes of Stevia

To make:
Blend all of the ingredients in a blender or food
processor, a minute or two, until smooth.
Refrigerate for a few hours or overnight
and then serve in bowls or a decorative glass.

That’s it- and if you want more information on this diet,
go online and look for the book- “Get Off Your Acid”
by Daryl Gioffre, D.C.

We can’t guarantee you’ll be able to perform at a high level
like Mr. Brady, but you will feel and look better.