Keeping your weight in check cuts your risk of heart disease, diabetes and other
health issues in half, But now that it’s cold in most parts of the U.S. the urge to
snack and binge is even stronger-this urge to eat is nature’s way of trying to keep
you warm. And if you want to prevent more weight gain in the next few weeks of
the winter season, just use the following tips:

a) Go Nuts-
As in walnuts. Eat 1/2 cup of walnuts each day and you can cut your risk of
winter weight gain in half and slim down 60% faster. Walnuts are rich in
2 nutrients (alpha-linoleic and gamma tocopherol) that help your liver burn
glucose and body fat for fuel.

b) Save The Peels-
If you’re a regular here then you know about the benefits of citrus peels.
They help protect your skin from the Sun’s harmful rays, stop constant
dizziness, lower cholesterol levels and calm your cravings.
Orange, lime and lemon peels calm your cravings in as little as 5 minutes by
soothing your brain’s anxiety center. So, next time you start craving cookies
or brownies, cut and peel an orange and take slow, deep sniffs of the peel.
You can also take in the scent of vanilla extract. Pour some on a cotton ball
and take a deep a deep whiff.
Look for our article on the benefits of eating grated citrus peels.
The article- The Natural Food Rxs That Work Just Like Sunscreen.

c) Drink Up-
Need something that’ll keep you warm, energized and trim?
Drink caffeinated coffee. This type of coffee raises your metabolism
by 20%.

d) Eat Carbs-
Root vegetables like beets, leeks, potatoes, beets and butternut squash
are recommended for those who want something hearty and filling
in the winter months, why? They’re packed with metabolism-boosting
minerals, including magnesium and potassium. Add a cup of root vegetables
to your daily menus and you’ll shed about 2 to 5 pounds each month.

e) Get Inspired-
Losing weight isn’t all about what you eat and exercising for hours,
sometimes you need something other than food and exercise to
help you stay on track, and that other something is Inspirational
quotes. Taking 2 to 3 minutes before a meal to read or recite an
inspirational quote can help you eat 40% more vegetables, whole
grains, and lean protein, plus help you cut cravings for sweets.
How? When you feel happier, upbeat and content, you produce less
cortisol, a stress hormone that disrupts blood-sugar control, making
you feel hungrier.
So, if you have a scripture from the bible, or a favorite
affirmation say it before digging in to your meal.
And if don’t have anything available and need an inspirational
quote, go to Daily–

f) The Summer Side Dish-
Who said that potato salad should only be eaten during the Summer months?
No one and if you enjoy this dish and want to eat it in Dec. Jan and Feb.
by all means, do it. Here’s a recipe that contains metabolism-boosting potatoes,
green onions and walnuts.
Herbed Potato Salad with Walnuts!
1 1/2 pounds small Yukon Gold potatoes
1 1/2 pounds of small red potatoes *
1 cup of ham cubes
1 cup of diced red bell pepper
3/4 cup of sliced green onions
1 cup of of toasted walnuts, chopped
2 Tbs. of fresh basil
Ingredients for the dressing:
1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup of white balsamic vinegar
1 Tbs. of Dijon mustard
salt and pepper to taste
To make:
You can quarter the potatoes and steam or boil them until tender.
Spray a small skillet with nonstick cooking spray. Add the ham;
cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, until lightly browned.
Place in a large bowl along with the potatoes, diced bell peppers and
green onions. Whisk together the dressing ingredients and drizzle
over the potatoes and ham. Cover and refrigerate for a few hours or
overnight. Just before serving, stir in the walnuts and basil.
Enough for 8 servings.
* Potatoes-
Some prefer the skin on their potatoes, some prefer the peeled potatoes,
skin on adds more fiber to your diet and getting enough fiber is one way to
shed pounds. Just be sure to really clean the peels if you plan on eating them.

* John Hopkins University, Research Dept.
* Danish Research Team
* Journal-Molecule
* Taste of Home Magazine
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