The Number 1 book on this Week’s non-fiction bestselling list is:
“Keep Sharp,” by Santay Gupta, M.D.

And if you’re concerned about brain aging, dementia and
Alzheimer’s there are some incredibly simple things
you can do right now to prevent it, things like…

a) Move-
Whether it’s to prevent heart disease or keep weight
down, moving a little each day will also provide your
brain with oxygen and nutrient-rich blood.
Not into riding a Peloton bike for an hour?
No problem, working outdoors tending to your garden,
or washing walls and floors in your home all count as exercise.
b) Take Some Me Time-
If you’re reluctant to or can’t find the time to sit back
and relax, then you may want to do it now that it’s
been proven to help ward off mental decline.
Relaxing, reading a juicy romance novel,
listening to songs from your childhood or doing
a crossword puzzle are great ways to keep blood
pressure in the “normal range.”
And having optimal blood pressure levels means there
will be less wear and tear on your arteries, especially
the arteries in your brain.
c) The Importance of Sleep-
Like exercise, it can’t be stated enough, a good 6 to 8 hours of
quality sleep can help keep your heart healthy,
diabetes, strokes and certain cancers at bay and help you stave
off brain deterioration. And even more good news:
You can also heighten focus, concentration and memory
by getting more quality sleep.
d) Eat More Salad-
Salads are a “go-to-food” for those who want to shed a few
pounds, and now, they’re being recommended for maintaining
a youthful brain.
Enjoying a mixture of greens and berries can help you reduce
dementia by a whopping 40%.
Fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients that feed and
energize your brain cells.
And like sleep, greens and berries can help turn back the clock
on your memory, focus and concentration, making them
8 to 10 younger.
e) A Salad Recipe To Prevent Aging-
The following salad will help you lower your risk of memory
loss by 40%. Place the following ingredients on this
week’s grocery list.

The salad:
Berry-Spinach Salad!

2 Tbs. Olive Oil
1 Tbs. Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tbs. dark honey
2 cups Spinach- Fresh, cleaned, dried and chopped
2 cups of strawberries (or berries you prefer)
2 Tbs. Blue Cheese Dressing (or the dressing you prefer)

To make:
In a small bowl, whisk together the oil, apple cider
vinegar, and honey. Add some salt and pepper to taste.
(or choose some spices and herbs you prefer)
The 2nd step:
In a large bowl, combine the produce. Add the dressing;
and mix until everything is well coated.
Enough for 2 large servings or 3 medium servings. Enjoy.

* David Perlmutter, M.D. Neurologist
* Lena Johansson, Ph.D.