If you’re older than 50 years of age, then you may remember the popular sitcom-
“I Dream of Jeannie” it starred Larry Hagman and Barbara Eden.

Well, believe it or not, Ms. Eden is now 90 years old and although she
has some arthritis, she says she feels great.
How is that possible, you ask?
It could be genetic, luck, or diet.

Yes diet.
Ms. Eden says she’s a not too strict carnivore and that simply means
most of her meals are centered around meats, eggs, some dairy and coffee.
And if you go back and read our post called The Southern Breakfast Rx
For More Energy and Muscle Mass, you’ll see why this type of diet works
for Ms. Eden.

Ms. Eden says most days she eats bacon and eggs for breakfast and
researchers say that this type of breakfast (also called “Cowboy Breakfast”)
gives you better muscle mass and grip strength especially as you age.
And eating protein in the morning, means you’ll absorb more of it which
helps you maintain mass, strength and higher energy levels.
Ms. Eden also revealed that she does stray and eat oatmeal and fruit
once or twice a week, but that’s only because she makes it for her husband.

So, if muscle loss and lack of energy are now plaguing you as you get up there
in age, do like Ms. Eden and start eating a protein-rich breakfast most days of the

And don’t forget to go back and check out our post The Southern Breakfast
Rx For More Energy and Muscle Mass.
In addition to the breakfast tip, you’ll also learn more tips on how to avoid
muscle loss as you age.

* Barbara Eden- T.V. star and Children’s Book Author
* American Archive of Public Broadcasting
* Food Network Magazine
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