Are you suffering from GI problems, or blood sugar issues, painful inflammation
or do you want to lose a quick 10 to 15 pounds (especially in the belly)?

Well, you’re not alone, even T.V. stars aren’t expempt from suffering from
the above mentioned health problems.

And the T.V. star we’re talking is none other than food chef, author,
mom and restaurant owner Giada DeLaurentiis.

Yes, the food network star was suffering badly and asked her personal
physician for help in dealing with a host of medical issues and
his advice to her: Go on a detox diet and find out which foods
are causing the bloating, high blood sugar count and GI issues.

Ms. DeLaurentiis followed his advice and eliminated sugar, dairy and wheat
for a few weeks and got rid of stomach aches and pains, improved
her sleep, slowed down the aging process and lost weight (in the belly area)
and then wrote a book about it.

The Book: “Eat Better, Get Better”
You can buy the book and learn more about her specific elimination diet,
but in the meantime, here are 4 dishes she ate while getting her health back
on track.
* Creamy Pudding-
No, it’s not the sugar-laden pudding you find on most grocery shelves,
Ms. DeLaurentiis created her own good-for-you pudding using chia seeds.
To make: Whisk together 1/2 unsweetened nut milk (almond) 2 Tbs.
chia seeds, ; drizzle on some top quality maple syrup, and refrigerate
until set. When you’re ready to eat this, just add a few blue, rasp, or
strawberries and a few nuts, (almonds or walnuts, or 2 Brazil nuts).

Soup’s on and now that it’s colder, this soup recipe is perfect for you and
your loved ones.
*Bean, Kale and Vegetable Soup!
To make:
Suate a few onion slices and a garlic clove in olive oil. Add some low-sodium
broth, (chicken or vegetable) to a medium-sized pot, throw in a few kale leaves,
(cleaned and chopped) and the veggies you prefer. Allow the soup to simmer
and then add a pinch of salt, pepper, turmeric and some herbs, (parsley, basil,
rosemary and thyme).

Athough it was hard especially being a chef who has to taste a lot of dishes,
Ms. DeLaurentiis was able to keep her nighttime meals simple, yet healthy.
* Fish or Chicken with Vegetables.
To make: Broil some wild caught salmon or cod or bake (or broil) chicken
breasts or legs and serve it with some steamed or sauteed vegetables
(broccoli, kale, spinach or cauliflower) or a green salad.

After Dinner Treat or an alternative to Breakfast-
If you find yourself craving something after dinner or you tire of oatmeal
or chia seed pudding for breakfast, you can always go with the
good-for-you smoothie.
Ms. DeLaurentiis drinks this green smoothie a few times a week.
* Giada’s Green Smoothie!
2 cups of baby spinach
1 cup of peeled and chopped cucumber
1/2 avocado, peeled and diced
1 apple, Fuji or Granny Smith, cored and diced
1/4 cup of raw almonds
1/4 cup of fresh basil
1 Tbs. of fresh lemon juice
1/8 tsp. of sea salt (optional)
To make: Pour all of the ingredients into a blender or juicer,
and blend until smooth, (45 secs. to 1 min.) And if you like it
cold, add a few ice cubes and blend for 30 secs. more.

That’s it for today.

* Cleveland Clinic
* Dr. Mark Hyman
* Deborah Kim, Nutritionist
* T.V. Star and Chef Giada DeLaurentiis
* The Book From Ms. DeLaurentiis, Eat Better, Feel Better