We tend to focus on food and exercise as the best ways to prevent and/or overcome
an illness or disease, but what about spices and herbs?

Yes, there’s no doubt that fatty fish, more green veggies and working up a sweat
each day is beneficial, but let’s not forget about visiting the spice rack at
your local grocery store and to help you on your path of boosting and improving
your health, here are six spices (and their benefits) that should be in your
kitchen cabinet or spice rack.

1) Cardamom!
Lower blood pressure.
If you’re a fan of chai tea or pastries, then you’re probably aware of this aromatic
spice. The volatile oils in this spice relax blood vessels the same way that calcium
channel blockers do. Consume 1/2 tsp. of cardamom- each day and lower blood
pressure as much as five points in about 3 months.

2) Oregano!
Ease joint pain.
Back aches, bum knees and arthritic fingers can be helped with oregano.
Oregano contains powerful anti-inflammatories that tamp down aches
and pains so well, you should notice the changes in as little as one week.
Use Oregano in sauces, stews, Italian dishes, chicken and fish and stir-fries.

3) Saffron!
End blue moods.
Aka Posh Spice.
This spice isn’t that popular in the U.S. and one of the reasons can be because
of the cost, but if money isn’t an issue and you want relief from perpetual sadness
and blue moods, then go ahead and splurge. Consuming just a tiny amount (3 threads)
each day can help uplift moods quickly. The researchers say there’s a compound in
saffron that revs up the production of the “happiness” hormone serotonin.
Important tip:
To use saffron threads, soak them in a bowl of warm water (about 2 Tbs.), veggie
stock or milk for 20 minutes, then add the beads to rice, soup, sauces and other recipes.
Look for it (saffron) in the international aisle of your grocery store or head to a
store that sells Middle Eastern food.

4) Turmeric!
Lower diabetes risk.
The popularity of this spice has gone up a lot in the past decade
and lower diabetes risk by 25%, use more of this spice. Turmeric
prods muscle cells to burn more blood sugar for fuel.
Another tip: Add some black pepper to it (turmeric) and doing this will
allow you to absorb more of it (turmeric) into your system.

5) Black Pepper!
Reduce cholesterol naturally.
Most people aren’t aware of the benefits they get when eating black pepper,
but if you’re trying to raise your “good” cholesterol levels, add some black pepper
to your meals. It’s a proven heart protector and eating just 1/2 tsp. each day
raises your levels of artery-clearing HDL (good) cholesterol by four points or
more. Pepper’s active ingredient (piperine) prods your liver to convert dietary
fats into this healthy type of cholesterol.

6) Nutmeg!
Relieve stress and sleep through the night.
Used by Native Americans for centuries to help with a
host of health benefits and if your stress levels are going up or
you need a natural sleep-aid, then this is the spice for you.
This spice can rev up production of calming alpha brain waves
in about 10 minutes.
Important tip:
Make sure you only consume about 1/2 tsp once or twice a day,
any more than that has the opposite effect- more jittery and
stressed and an inability to get to sleep.

That’s it, 6 spices to help you conquer some of your biggest health
challenges. And in the future, we hope to do more posts on spices
and herbs.

* Journal of Clinical Biochemistry
* Raj Senthilkumar, Ph.D. Study Co-author
* East Carolina University, Research Dept.

Please pass this blog post on to family and friends who
love spices and use them on a regular basis.
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