Hold on, it’s almost Spring time and if you find that you’re lacking energy and get-up and
go during the past few months, relax, take a few deep breaths and make the following
breakfast of French toast and hot cocoa.

French toast and hot cocoa?
Won’t the gluten, starches, carbs and sugar from both foods deplete my energy levels?
No, but you have to make sure you get top quality bread and dark cocoa.

That’s right, the French toast should be made with sourdough bread. Why?
There’s more fiber in this type of bread and that’s vitally important.
Soluble fiber forms when microbes in sourdough’s “starter” break down starch and
sugars in the flour. And simply increasing the fiber count ups your energy levels by
a whopping 150%.
Another benefit:
Fiber ensures the sugar from carbs is released into the bloodstream steadily,
preventing blood sugar swings that deplete energy.
And lastly:
If you tire of sourdough bread as an energy source, you can also get more
fiber into your system by eating rye bread and steel-cut oatmeal.

Now, onto the hot cocoa.
A favorite for many this time of year and although coffee often gets all
of the fame and accolades as an energy booster, hot cocoa also offers
the same benefits.
Drink 2 cups (or mugs) of hot cocoa each day and you’ll increase energy levels
by 45%. A top quality brand of cocoa contains flavonols (compounds), that tame
energy-sapping inflammation inside your body.

One more (non-food) tip:
Use it or lose it. You’re probably aware of this saying, but moving more
especially this time of year can do wonders for your energy levels and
the type of movements one should do will only take a few minutes.
It’s not necessary to walk for an hour or lift weights for 30 minutes
or spend 90 minutes on a treadmill, researchers say that getting up
and moving for 3 to 5 minutes, (6 or 7 times each day) provides
you with a circulatory boost that lifts energy as effectively as an
hour of continuous activity.
So, choose an activity you enjoy, say walking indoors, or going up
and down the stairs or pedaling on an exercise bike and make
sure to do it for 3 to 5 minutes.

That’s it, three simple tips to help boost your energy levels during the last
few weeks of Winter. And for those who know how to make French toast,
here’s a recipe for you anyways. Enjoy.

Recipe for Spicy-Sourdough French Toast!
2 eggs
1/3 cup of milk- (choose regular, coconut or plant-based milk)
1 tsp. of vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. of ground cinnamon
4 thick slices of sourdough or Rye bread
To make:
In a bowl, whisk the first 4 ingredients. Turn a skillet or large non-stick
pan on to medium heat, pour in a little oil (or butter) and allow it to melt.

Soak the bread in the egg mixture. Place on the skillet or pan and flip
when one side is golden brown (2 to 4 minutes). Repeat with
the next 2 slices, remove from the skillet (or non-stick pan) and serve
with pure maple syrup, dark honey, mixed berries that have been heated
in a small pan, natural peanut butter or unsweetened apple sauce.
Choose the topping that appeals to you.
And one more tip:
Don’t forget the other energy booster, a cup of top quality hot cocoa.
To find out which hot cocoa is best, just go to google.com and type
best hot cocoa, or which hot cocoa powder is best.

* Journal of Neurology
* British Research Team
* France’s Dept. of Alternative Health

Please pass this article (and recipe) on to friends and family who love
French toast for Sunday breakfast or Brunch and need more Winter energy.
Share it over at Facebook, Tik-Tok, Snapchat, Reddit, Instagram (stories),
LinkedIn, Pinterest and Twitter.
