Live until age 99, just like Rose!

The recent news of actress Betty White’s passing was quite a shock.
It was shocking because she was set to turn 100 years of age in about
3 weeks.

Let’s not feel too bad for Ms. White, her 99 years were well-lived years.
She was in pretty good shape, had financial resources and was continuing
to do the work she loved (with animals and on television) and if you’re hoping to
make it to 70, 80, 90 or beyond like Ms. White, here are some of her secrets.

a) Remove The Negative Influences-
Those who knew Ms. White said she refused to listen to anything negative,
be it news (politics) or about her co-workers, past or present.
In fact, many people who knew her said that if someone came into the dressing
room or on set with some”juicy’ news or gossip about anyone, Ms. White would
excuse herself and wait until the person was finished.
The moral of this story: Stay away from those who spend their time spreading malicious
information about anyone or are constantly complaining about a family member or their
own situations, (financial or physical problems).

b) Diet-
Cloris Leachman, long-time star and co-worker to Ms. White became a raw vegan in
the late 60’s and lived to age 96 and believe it or not, Ms. White followed a completely
different diet and lived to 99.
Her diet: Eat whatever you want, just eat small amounts of it. Co-stars said that
Ms. White would have a hot dog, pastry and a cup of soda while filming and leave
the healthy stuff for others.
Again, we’re led to believe that only those who eat tons of vegetables, nuts, seeds,
leans meats and fish and drink plenty of purified water is the only way to make it
to a ripe old age without any health problems.
Ms. White certainly dispelled this myth and lived longer than a lot of the strict vegetarians
and vegans. Researchers now say that yes, eating plenty of fruit, vegetables and leans
meats may be better for you, but it also may not be the types of the foods you eat,
but the quantity, (small amounts of the foods you love). Also stop eating when you’re
full and no in-between meal snacking.

c) Stay Positive-
Again, this may go under avoid all things (and people) who are negative, but it’s also
about keeping a positive mindset. Ms. White always looked on the bright side of things,
never complained about an ache or pain and was pleasant and cheerful right to the end.
Although many may say that’s impossible to stay positive all of time, you may want
to spend a few minutes each day counting your blessings or keep a gratitude journal,
(to remind yourself of the good things in your life).

d) Exercise-
Ms. White didn’t follow the leads of many of her contemporaries and take up Jazzercise,
or aerobics, long runs or hot yoga, her forms of exercise: tending to and caring
for pets and walking up and down the stairs in her two story house to keep it clean
and orderly.
Again, another myth dispelled: you must spend at least 30 mins. each day doing some
type of exercise you hate to stay fit. Do what makes you happy, keeping your tiny apartment
clean as a whistle or looking up dance videos on youtube and trying to follow along.

e) Pets-
Many say that Ms. White may have been the second biggest pet lover in Hollywood, right behind
Bob Barker and if you don’t think taking care of a pet or visiting a petting zoo or even watching
animals roll around having fun on Youtube helps you live a few years longer, you’re wrong.
Here are 4 things loving your pet (s) or a family’s pet (s) can do to help you live longer.
* Ease Aches and Pains-
Ms. White must’ve had a few aches and pains at her age, but thanks to caring for her pets,
she was able to lower the pain-amping hormones knows as cortisol, while also raising
the soothing bonding hormone known as oxytocin. Researchers say that people
who interacted with pets after joint replacement surgery needed 50% fewer pain
medications than those who didn’t get to interact with any pets.
* Lower Blood Pressure-
You may need to make some lifestyle changes like walking more, eating less and lowering
stress levels if high blood pressure is an issue, but you can also lower your numbers simply
by petting a dog or cat. Taking care of a pet may be stressful, the walking, cleaning up
after, the feeding and the vet bills, and if that’s the case, visit a local animal shelter a few times
a week to lower your blood pressure.
* Heart Health-
Lower blood pressure means a healthier heart, but if you are a cat owner and love playing
with him (or her) or a dog owner who walks your dog, it means you’re exercising which
essentially improves heart health.
* Boost Positivity and Happiness-
Caring for or a petting an animal can certainly make you forget all about your aches and
pain, and it (caring and tending to pets) can also do wonders for your emotional states.
Going through a breakup? Grieving over the loss of a loved one? Volunteering to walk
an elderly neighbor’s pet or visiting an animal shelter once or twice a week makes you
forget all about your troubles and instead, you focus on the animals you’re taking care of.
Researchers say that pets are a lot like hobbies in that, they keep us totally engrossed in
something other than our financial or relationship problems or aches and pain.

So, if you’ve been beating yourself up because you’re not following the perfect diet
or drinking so many glasses of water a day or not willing to listen to a family member
complain, you’re doing the exact same thing Rose Nylund (character on Golden Girls)
(or Betty White) did and that helped her make it to 99.

* British Research Studies
* Cambridge Core, Journal of Animal Studies
* University of Minnesota, Research Dept.
* Loyola University
More tips:
If you want more info on longevity, make sure you read our post on how the Hunza
tribes of the Himalayan mountains routinely make it to 90 and beyond, without
any of the health problems plaguing so many in other developed countries.

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