Have you ever wondered what slimming secrets some of your favorite
stars use to stay slim and trim?

Wonder no more, listed below are slimming secrets, 3 stars
use to keep their figures in tiptop shape.

a) Kelly Ripa-
The popular talk show morning host for almost 2
decades, takes her health very seriously.
She follows the popular “Alkaline” diet to stay slim and
trim and she also does something at night, to ensure the fat
burning continues even while she sleeps.
What is it?
She sips a cup of zero-calorie turmeric-ginger tea
30 to 60 minutes before bed.
Turmeric’s curcumin blocks the growth of fat tissue,
and the ginger revs up the metabolism, helping
you reduce fat by 45%, in less than 4 months.
Buy ground turmeric and ginger at any supermarket,
and start with a 1/4 tsp. of each, added to a cup of hot water,
stir well and sip slowly. As the weeks progress, add 1/2
tsp. of each, to a cup of hot water.
And for more on Ms. Ripa’s diet, look for our first post,
TB 12’s Diet Rxs! Yes, football great-Tom Brady also follows
the same diet.

b) Elizabeth Hurley-
Popular star in the 80’s and 90’s and long-time girlfriend of star
Hugh Grant, will be turning 60 in less than 5 years and still maintains
a youthful and trim figure and one of the strategies she employs is…
Apple Cider Vinegar.
That’s right, the popular acidic beverage has been used as a weight loss
aid for close to 20 years now. And to follow in Ms. Hurley’s slimming steps-
just pour 2 Tbs. of apple cider vinegar into a tall glass of warm or hot
water, stir well and sip slowly, 20 to 30 mins. after waking up.
Apple cider vinegar switches on your fat-burning genes,
helping you drop 10% of body weight in less than 2 months.
Also important:
Look for our past post on Korea’s and Japan’s favorite
beverage, made with apple cider vinegar.
The Post: The Korean and Japanese Beverage Secret To
Losing Weight.

c) Padma Lakshmi-
The popular celebrity chef and host of “Top Chef,” has a problem
a lot of Americans can relate to, what is it?
Constant snacking.
Yes, like a lot of people, Ms. Lakshmi, finally found 2 foods
that put an end to her out-of-control snacking.
The 2 foods:
Natural Peanut Butter and Green Apples.
Researchers say snacking on protein-packed
peanut butter suppresses hunger for 8 to 10 hours,
and green apples, are less sweet and contain
pectin, a fiber that keeps your stomach
full 200% longer than any other types of fiber.
Important tip: Natural peanut butter can be a great
asset to any diet, but remember, even though it’s
considered a protein, it is also a fat, so eat it in moderate
amounts. 1 to 2 Tbs. a day.
And one last tip: we posted on the importance of
adding green apples to your diet to quell hunger, so
you may want to type green apples in the search bar and
read more on these “all-natural, diet aids.”

That’s it- 3 stars and their natural and healthy secrets
to maintaining their figures.
We’ll post more info on how some of your favorite celebrities
stay, slim, trim and youthful.
* Hollywood Insider
* UCLA Study, The Research Dept.