There are only a few more weeks left to the Summer season and then it’ll be fall and winter,
and with a change of seasons, weight gain may occur.
Weight gain?
Yes, due to less sunlight, colder temperatures and heavier foods (carbs and sweets) from
the holidays.
If this is something that affects you and you want to get a head-start on ways to avoid
the inevitable weight gain, you can add certain green foods to your daily menus.

That’s right, green alkaline foods can help reset your digestive tract and make
slimming effortless and weight gain almost impossible.
The green foods that’ll help you get in fat-fighting mode are…

a Kale-
The still popular greens are rich in alkalizing nutrients that speed slimming-
plus it (kale) energizes the brain to boost focus in less than 30 mins.

b) Cucumber-
Reduce bloating by including more of this food in your diet. You can shed
about 4 pounds of excess water weight in about 7 days.

c) Broccoli-
A very popular green for those who want to lose or maintain their weight loss.
Broccoli contains alkalizing compounds that calm the brain’s anxiety center to
steady moods and cuts depression (winter blues) risk by 45%.

d) Celery-
Who’s familiar with the “celery juice” diet about 5 to 8 years ago?
This green contains phenolic acid, a type of acid that improves the liver’s
ability to detox, helping to flush energy-sapping toxins.

e) Avocado-
Like cucumbers, avocados are considered a fruit and if you want some good fats
in your diet, then you must include more avocados. The healthy fats in avocados
alkalinize the body to help burn off 55% more belly fat.

f) Watercress-
A green that’s mostly ignored by most veggie lovers, this green is packed with alkalizing
vitamin K. A vitamin that’s vital for slimming and strengthening bones.

There you have it, 6 choices to help you this fall and winter to maintain
or take off (holiday) weight.
Good Luck!

* Mark Hyman, M.D.
* Ross Bridgeford, Nutrition expert
* University of Texas, Research Dept.

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