Stop the Soda Cravings For Your New Year’s resolution, 2022.

We constantly hear talk about our cravings for cake, cookies, cheesy pasta dishes and red
meat, but there’s little talk about our cravings for coke, pepsi, orange crush or Mountain Dew.

And according to new research, drinking a glass of “refreshing” coca cola or mountain dew
can raise your odds of getting heart disease, diabetes, hearing loss and obesity considerably,
and if you’re one who can’t go a day without your Dew, you may want to use the simple tips
listed below to kick this sugary habit for good.

Tip No. 1-
Get Help From a Supplement-
To control those cravings you’ll need more than “willpower” and the help
we’re suggesting is from the supplement-5-HTP. Made from the seeds from an African
plant and taken 20 mins. before a meal, you can reduce your cravings by a whopping
70%. 5-HTP makes your brain more sensitive to the “feel-full” signals coming from
your stomach as you eat, so the urge to drink and and graze disappears.
Important tip: talk to your doctor before taking any type of supplement.

Tip No. 2-
Go Slowly-
It may work with cigarettes or television watching, but soda is a different “animal”
in terms of cravings so it’s best to go slow. Cut down a little each day as opposed
to going cold turkey.

Tip No.3-
Drink This For Breakfast-
Smoothies are all the rage for those who don’t want or don’t have the time to prepare
breakfast, but researchers now say that same smoothie can also reduce your soda
cravings by 55%. A smoothie made with whey protein powder increases your
production of the mood-lifting brain hormone serotonin, which shores up your ability
to say no to your soda cravings.

Tip No. 4-
Drink Coffee-
It may seem counterintuitive, but you may need to drink coffee if you want to
give up soda. Drink coffee, a caffeinated beverage? Yes, and here’s why- many
sodas contain caffeine (including non colas like Sunkist and Mountain Dew),
which is why giving them up can cause withdrawal symptoms, such as brain
fatigue, blue moods and headaches and this is why you may need coffee.
For every can of caffeinated soda you cut out, just drink a half cup of coffee.
Another benefit: Drinking soda won’t do anything to boost your health,
but the coffee will lower your risk of Alzheimer’s disease and colon cancer.

Tip No. 5-
Drink Some Wine-
Enjoying a small glass of wine each night can cut your late-night soda cravings
by 35%. Not only does sparkling wine have a soda-like fizz, but it prods your brain
to release endorphins- hormones that rev your willpower, helping you avoid
absentmindedly reaching for that can of cola or 7-Up.

Tip no. 6-
Make It Yourself-
The ability to make one’s own food certainly has some benefits, and that’s
also true when it comes to soda, just buy some unsweetened fruit juice
(cranberry, pomegranate or pear juice) and pour it into an empty bottle or jar,
1/2 full and then fill the rest of the bottle with club soda or seltzer.
You can also add some lemon slices, ginger pieces, mint leaves or vanilla
extract to make the taste even more appealing.
Another tip: Look into buying the very popular kitchen gadget called the
Soda Stream. It allows you to make your own low-cal and healthy beverages
at home for a fraction of the cost of soda.
Find them at Walmart, Home Depot, Ollies-(discount stores) or online at

* Michael Murray, N.D. author of The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine
* Rob Markus, Ph. D.
* University of Miami, Research Dept.
* Journal of Clinical Nutrition
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