In a few days we’ll be heading into the second month of the new year
and if weight loss is your resolution for the new year, you may want some
simple tips on how to control your cravings.

Making weight loss your New Year’s resolution can be tough,
considering it’s when we spend a great deal of time indoors,
and the holidays, (which means eating a lot of food, fattening foods)
and if this describes you, and you want something other than
“stop buying fattening goodies or just exercise more,” here are
6 simple solutions to conquer those ravenous cravings.

a) Think Pink-
As in pink grapefruit, if you get a craving for something sweet.
Insulin shuttles glucose to brain cells. And if your brain cells have
become insensitive to insulin and refuse to receive the delivery,
it (your brain will crave something sweet, i.e. a “sugar fix.”)
To combat this- just eat half of a pink grapefruit at meals and cut
cravings by 45%.
Important tip:
If you’re taking any type of medication, make sure you check with your
health-care provider before adding grapefruit to your daily menus.
Some medicines do not react well with the acidity in grapefruit.

b) Fat Cravings-
Some say just add a little more ghee, butter or olive oil to your meals
to control fat cravings, but this can backfire on you and cause weight gain.
To stop the fat cravings- look to an herb for help.
The herb:
Rhodiola. Taking 250 mg. of Rhodiola, can rev up Y (NPY), a hormone that
nixes the urge to eat greasy and fattening foods. Plus, the herb cuts snack
attacks in half.
Important tip: As mentioned in the above tip, make sure to check with your
health-care provider before adding any type of supplement to your daily menus.

c) Get Outside-
And fill up faster. Not able to ever feel full? Get outside.
This might be difficult for a lot of us, but if the Sun is shining brightly,
and it’s not too cold, allow it (the Sun) to shine down on you. Believe it or not,
the hormone leptin Knocks out hunger pangs as soon as your stomach is full,
unless your brain can’t absorb this hormone. And this is where the sun comes in,
standing or sitting outdoors (during noon-time), for 10 minutes each day can
activate enzymes that help your brain use leptin for 24 hours.

d) Go Nuts-
You’re aware of the news surrounding nuts, “they’re fattening,” they’re not good-
for-you,” etc. but if late night snacking is derailing your diet and you’re craving
sweets and salty foods (especially late at night), you’re likely overproducing the
hunger hormone ghrelin. To decrease ghrelin production eat a half cup of raw
walnuts every afternoon. Doing this will help you control the mindless snacking.

e) Just Imagine-
Ever hear of using your imagination to help with something bothering you?
Well use it to stop any type of craving. When you’re craving something
unhealthy (pizza or those chocolate chip cookies), try visualizing eating
so much of it that you feel stuffed and sick to your stomach. This exercise
activates your brain’s satiety center, and stops any craving in a matter
of minutes.

f) Move About-
Oh no, another tip on moving more (exercising). Yes, but it doesn’t require 60
or even 30 minutes of exercise, just 3 to 5 minutes. Sitting for long stretches
during the day, fuels the release of the hunger-promoting hormone ghrelin.
To counter this, just get up every hour and walk, skip or dance around for 2, 3
or 5 minutes. Doing this helps ghrelin drop by about 15%.

That’s it- 6 tips to help you power through and stick to your New Year’s
resolution-weight loss.

* Journal of American Nutrition
* Australia Medical Research
* University of Illinois, Research Dept.

Please make sure to pass this info on to family and friends who
are hoping to lose weight this Winter and spring and are also struggling
with cravings. You can share it over at Facebook, Snapchat, Pinterest,
Reddit, Instagram (stories), Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).

One more request…
For some-weight loss is a resolution for the new year and for others
it may be to quit smoking or save more money. For us, the creators
and contributors to this site, to get more viewers, customers, readers, etc.
So please, help us achieve our goal, (resolution) to make this blog (site) more
popular in 2024.

Thank You from the creators at