Get rid of stomach bloat easily and naturally!

Oh no, you overdid the Christmas meal and snacks.
Overdoing the prime rib, mashed potatoes, gingerbread cookies,
and wine can cause bloat.

The fat from these types of foods takes longer to digest and salt,
can cause water retention.
So, before you go and exercise for an hour or two or put on sweat pants
with stretchable waistbands, try these bloat-blocking tricks.

a) Eat More of This Spice-
You’re probably already consuming black pepper and ground ginger,
but to block bloat, add more of the rarely used caraway seeds to your meals
or a cup of hot tea. Or even better, carry some seeds in a plastic bag and then
chew a few seeds before indulging in the Christmas or New Year’s day spreads.
Caraway seeds taken prior to a meal relaxes the smooth muscle tissue in your
digestive system, keeping the food moving and reducing bloat.

b) Go Bananas-
Often overlooked for its healing properties, the lowly banana can cut bloat risk
by 50%. Bananas balance beneficial gut bacteria that aids in digestion. Plus, their
potassium counters the sodium (salt) that causes the bloat.
Eat a banana before indulging in rich holiday fare, (60 to 90 mins. before).

c) Minty-Fresh Breath-
And you thought the mints on a table were only there to take away “garlic breath,”
but they can also work on bloat. The menthol in mint boosts bile production in the
gut and speeds stomach digestion, cutting bloat by up to 55%.

d) Non-Food Rxs-
Here are two remedies that don’t require you to go to the supermarket.
Rx 1- Enjoy Holiday Comedies.
Enjoy Home Alone or ELF and you’ll increase your “happiness hormone”
known as serotonin, 95% of which is created in the gut. This helps maintain
healthy digestion, blocking bloat and calming the stomach somersaults.
Not a fan of Christmas movies?
No problem, you can also sit in a circle and think about the fun and good
times you had as youngsters. Or watch or download standup comedy
routines on youtube. Watch Eddie Murphy, Rodney Dangerfield or a
a Jerry Seinfeld special.

Rx No. 2-
Give Thanks-
Don’t do this only on Thanksgiving, giving thanks any time of the year
is not just good for the soul, it can also trigger a relaxation response
in the body that tames bloat-triggering stress hormones via the vagus
nerve, which connects the brain and stomach.
Not sure which prayer of gratitude to use?
Go to and type prayers of gratitude and choose one.

* Greek Research Team
* Harvard University Research Team
* Journal of Ethnopharmacology
* Woman’s World Magazine, Dec. 4th 2023 Issue

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