Are you tired of buying greens? Or do you hate that the greens you are buying may
not be fresh?
Well, there’s something you can do about it, and all it entails is a little room
in your kitchen or den, potting soil and some flower pots or boxes.

So, if you want to grow Swiss chard, spinach or kale, do the following…
a) Swiss chard and Leaf Lettuce!
Both greens are easy to grow and are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.
To grow your own, fill a window box with potting mix and plant Swiss chard and
leaf lettuce seeds 1″ apart. Give the box full sun and water every other day. Harvest
leaves when they are about 3″ to 4″ long in about 6 to 8 weeks.
To enjoy the greens after a few weeks, use them to make a salad. The salad:
In a large bowl, mix Swiss chard and leaf lettuce with walnuts, dried cherries,
and lemon vinaigrette.

b) Kale- You can start kale now and then place it outside as it can withstand
some frost. To grow kale-remove a kale plant (from the nursery) and drop
it into a large pot filled with potting mix. If your kale grows to 12 or more inches,
you may have to insert a stake into the soil to give the plant support as it grows
upright. Give it full sun and water every other day. Harvest leaves from the bottom
of the plant once the kale is at least 8″ tall, in 4 to 5 weeks.
To enjoy your fresh kale, you can stir-fry it with other veggies or eat it fresh along
with some Parmesan cheese, croutons and a creamy Caesar dressing.

c) Spinach-
Spinach may be one of the most popular plants out there, not only for its sweet taste,
but also for the number of benefits one can get from the minerals and vitamins in it.
To grow it indoors, plant some seeds about 1″ apart in a large pot with potting mix,
then give the soil a light feeding of a water-soluble organic fertilizer. Give the
plants full sun and water every other day. Harvest leaves when they’re 2″ to 3″
long, in about 6 weeks.
To enjoy your fresh spinach- make a salad. In a large bowl, toss a few spinach leaves
with sliced apples, almonds, feta cheese and Dijon mustard, along with a dressing
made of olive oil and red wine vinegar.

* The Backyard Gardener-Magazine
* Mother Earth News-Magazine
* Food Network Magazine, The Green Salads Edition
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