In a lot of American households pasta will be served this Christmas.
What type of Pasta?
Lasagna, of course and if you’re one who serves up lasagna
the day before, the day of or the day after, here’s are tips to make
your “Lasagna Party” a success.

Step no. 1-
Invite Family and Friends!
It’s (lasagna) ideal for a weekend party, mainly because it still tastes
great a day or two later. Just ask the invitees to bring appetizers, (salad,
other sides, drinks and desserts).

Step no. 2-
Make Two Types!
Simply put, not everyone will want a meat-lovers lasagna, so to avoid
offending anyone, make a tray of meat lovers and one with just veggies,
(shredded carrots, spinach, green squash and mushrooms).
Or try the new and unorthodox White Alfredo lasagna. (aka “white lasagna”).

Step no. 3-
Prevent This Mishap!
No one likes watery or runny lasagna, so prevent it by lining a colander
with cheesecloth, pour the ricotta over it and let it drain into a bowl for
about an hour. Throw out the liquid and continue preparing your lasagna.
Another tip: To prevent the burned and dried out edges,
spread your sauce all the way to the edges of each pasta sheet.
Also helpful: You may want to keep some extra sauce on hand,
some guests may like it and request more or you may need it if your
lasagna is a day or two old and a little dry.

Step no. 4-
Serve Up Some New Twists-
Lasagna is more popular than ever and became even more so thanks to the
pandemic, (Co-Vid 19) and if you want to try some variations on regular panned
lasagna, here you go…
* Make It Dessert-Like-
Well, not really sweet and sugary, but place it in small cupcake holders (tins)
and serve guests individual servings.
* Bundt Pan-Style-
This style of lasagna made a splash on the T.V. show “The Chew”
and if you want to make your lasagna in a bundt pan, find a recipe
on or go to Pinterest and look for a recipe there.
* Make It Lighter-
For the calorie conscious lasagna lovers, try using crepes as the
noodles. Look for crepes at your local supermarket or go online to
learn how to make the paper thin pancakes.
* Deep Fried-
It’s a once-in a year event (like deep-fried turkey) so go ahead and
indulge a little. The latest type of lasagna to make traditionalists
sit up and take notice is deep-fried lasagna.
Popular at restaurants like the “Olive Garden” the noodles are breaded
and then fried and then added to the pan.
If this interests you, head online to youtube and look for a video.
Type Lasagna Fritta in the search bar.

Step no. 5-
Last, but not least, choose some wine. Choose a hearty red,
full-bodied wine like Cabernet Sauvignon, Chianti, or Malbec
and if there’s any room left in your stomach after lasagna,
have some gelato or tiramisu for dessert.

A Special Gift-
For those who love smoked mozzarella, here’s a recipe for a
Smoked Lasagna.
To make-
Turn the oven to 375*F. Coat a 2 1/2″ baking dish with Pam. In a bowl,
combine 1 jar of Marinara sauce, 16 or 24 oz. 1 can of diced tomatoes
with basil, garlic, 1 minced clove and a tsp. of dried oregano and
1 cup of water. In a separate bowl, combine 1 container of ricotta (15 oz.)
1 cup of shredded smoked mozzarella, 1/2 cup of grated Parmesan,
1 tsp. of dried Italian seasoning, 1 tsp. of garlic powder. 1/2 tsp. of salt
and 1/4 tsp. of black pepper. Spread 1 cup of sauce on the bottom of the pan.
Top with 3 ready-oven noodles from the box*. Pour on half of the cheese mixture
and another cup of sauce. Top with 3 more noodles. Pour remaining sauce over noodles.
Bake uncovered for 40 to 45 mins. Sprinkle on some more smoked mozzarella and bake
another 10 mins. or until cheese is a golden brown. Remove from the oven and let
sit on the counter or stovetop for 15 to 20 mins. before cutting into it and serving.
* Noodles- If you’re not a fan of no-cook noodles, then you’ll have to buy a box of regular
noodles and cook them according to the directions on the box.

One last tip:
If you make this the night before and plan on serving it the next day,
let it cool for 20 to 25 mins. cover it with a piece of plastic wrap
and then some foil and refrigerate it.
The next day- Bring it to room temperature, uncover it and reheat
it in a 350*F. oven for 30 to 40 mins.or until bubbly and golden brown at the

That’s it- your guide for a successful and delicious Lasagna party.

Good Luck, Good Eating and Good Health!

* Olive Garden Website
* The New Lasagna Cookbook
* Lasagna- A Baked Pasta Cookbook, by Anna Hezel