Are you ready to give up on your resolution of giving up sweets, carbs and
red meat for the new year?
Well, before throwing in the towel and giving up completely, try the tips
listed below.

a) Conquer Your Sweet Cravings-
* Eat fruit.
Apples are a great snack for those who struggle with sweets, (cookies and brownies).
Apples are rich in pectin, a fiber that keeps you fuller longer and helps prevent sugar
More tips: Green apples work really well for those who aren’t satisfied with just 1 serving,
eat an apple and drink a glass of water 15 to 30 mins. before eating your biggest meal.
Use some spices- another tip for satisfying that sweet tooth, slice an apple down the middle,
sprinkle on some cinnamon and ginger and place under a 400*F broiler for a min.or two.
Spices help keep blood sugar stable and reduce your cravings.

* More Fruit-
Another tip to not only stop sweet cravings, but cravings for bread or pasta is to eat fruit.
A bowl of mixed fruit (low-sugar) grapes, berries and apple slices contain water, vitamins and
nutrients that help you resist a lot of the foods you crave.
Eat a bowl of fruit when cravings strike or before one (or two) of your biggest meals.

* Stop The Soda-
Struggling to stop a soda craving? Believe it or not, you may need more water.
Dehydration triggers cravings for sweets and researchers say about 75% of us are
dehydrated. Not a fan of plain water? Buy club soda, pour into a pitcher and throw
in some strawberries, lemon and lime slices and mint leaves.
Or buy a soda streamer and make your own healthy, low-calorie version of soda.
Look for soda streamers online at, or go to Walmart.

* Read Labels-
Just because you’re not drinking soda or having cookies or muffins, doesn’t
mean you’re not eating the sweet stuff (soda). The simple solution: Read labels
and look for words like fructose and sucrose. Look for other types of sugar on labels
by going online to

b) Conquer Your Meat Cravings-
* If you’ve given up red meat for compassionate reasons or because it’s too expensive
or too fatty, you can get your protein from chicken, fish or plant proteins like beans
and nuts.
Another tip: Since we’re still in the beginning of the new year, many grocery stores
are selling a lot of canned goods (at low prices) to make room for the upcoming
shipments of food, so stock up on beans, canned tuna, sardines and salmon.

* More Tips For Non-Meat Eaters-
Another tip for those who want to avoid red meat-make rice and bean (lentils and chickpeas)
dishes, or rice and vegetable, green peas and rice, pasta and vegetables or go for the
underused protein known as Tofu.
Tofu is a complete protein, plus it has iron and calcium, with none of the unsaturated
fat you’ll find in red meat.

c) Conquer Your Carb Cravings-
* If you want a carb like pasta, just have 1/2 cup of it (whole-wheat or vegetable pasta)
and not a cup or two.
Whole grains take longer to raise blood sugar and are more satisfying than refined
white pasta.

* Heat and Reheat-
Simply put, you can make some starches more “diet-friendly” by cooking them, letting
them cool and refrigerating them. The next day, heat up that pasta, rice or baked potato.
This process makes the food a ” resistant-starch” which is a potent probiotic, meaning
it feeds good bacteria in our digestive tracts that trigger effortless weight loss.

* Eat These Substitutes-
Another tip for lowering the calorie count and carb cravings is to look for
foods that are high in resistant starch, foods like Maize flour and shirataki noodles.
Look for these 2 foods at Whole foods, Asian markets or online at

* Read Labels-
Like sugar, when it comes to carbs, you must read labels, and just because something
says “gluten-free” it doesn’t mean it’s good for you or will be satisfying.
Look at the labels and pass up foods that contain added sugars. Instead, look for
gluten-free, ready to eat products or baking mixes made with brown rice flour, nuts
like almonds or legumes like chickpeas. They provide fiber, vitamins and minerals and
foods made from these flours have a satisfying, rich texture.

* A Recipe To Help You Along-
If you miss the Sunday morning pancakes made with Bisquick, try these
“fat-burning” pancakes made with the resistant starch, Maize flour.
Sunday Morning Maize Pancakes
1/4 cup of maize flour
1/4 cup of flaxseed or chia, mixed
1/4 cup of rolled oats (raw)
1/4 cup of all-purpose flour
1 tsp. of baking powder
1 tsp. of baking soda
1 egg
2 egg whites
1 scoop of whey protein
1 Tbs. of olive or safflower oil
8 oz. of seltzer or club soda
To make:
In a large bowl, mix all of the ingredients together.
Heat up the skillet or griddle and spray with non-stick cooking spray.
Using a ladle, pour about a 1/4 ladleful of mix onto the griddle,
cook for 1 or 2 mins. then turn over and cook for another 2 mins.
Place on a plate and serve with sugar-free syrup, or heat up some mixed fruit
with a tsp. of dark honey and drizzle this over the pancakes.
Makes 4 servings, 20 g. of carb each.

d) Sleep On It-
One last tip- a good night’s sleep will do wonders for all of your cravings.
Sleep deprivation is the top trigger for sugar and carb cravings. Try and get
between 6 1/2 to 8 hours of sleep and see how much of a difference it’ll make in
your desire for sweets and carbs.

a) Eve Schaub, Author of No Sugar
b) Chef Rachel Begun, M.S. R.D.N.
c) Karen Smith, R.D.
d) Paul Arciero, D.P.E.
e) Skidmore College, Nutrition Dept.
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