Sick of the yo-yo dieting?
Sick of the “I’ll start next Monday?”
Well, you’re not alone and if you want some simple steps to slim down
and keep the weight off, here are study-proven strategies that’ll get
you on the right track and keep you there.

Step No. 1- Lose The Weight!
* Make it Simple-
Simply put: keep your meals simple. It’s key to maintaining weight loss.
People who’ve lost weight and kept it off tend to rotate only about 2 to
3 breakfasts throughout the week, say boiled or scrambled eggs, ground
turkey, plain yogurt and smoothies. Not overthinking your meal planning
takes off the pressure and the pounds.
* More Protein-
When one mentions protein, we usually think about meat and more meat,
but it also means beans, (for hummus) eggs, plain yogurt and vegetables
like broccoli, asparagus, spinach and Brussels sprouts. Include more
protein but spread it out, meaning have some at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Eating protein this way burns 25% more calories a day.
So, to shed pounds and keep them off, simply incorporate more hunger-
dampening protein foods throughout the day. Eat some eggs for breakfast,
chicken salad for lunch and salmon or a turkey burger, small sweet potato
and salad at night.
* Drink Before You Eat-
Another trick many dieting pros say is successful is having some soup
before your meal or even as an in-between meal snack.
Soup has replaced water in that it can take up a lot of room in your stomach
and prevent you from overeating come mealtime.
Important tip:
Make sure the soup is made with water and light vegetables, and seasonings,
(herbs and spices) as you get closer to your ideal weight, then it’s okay to have
soup made with beef ribs, beans and pasta.

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* Use These Hacks-
There are a number of hacks for everything today and that also
includes dieting. The hacks: Eat off of smaller plates, use smaller
utensils, keep a pitcher of fruit or vegetable-infused water in the refrigerator
so you’re not tempted to have sugary sodas or the cookies you have for the
kids (teens). Doing this on a regular basis makes an impression on your mind,
which will then make it habit-forming.

Step No. 2- Boost Your Metabolism!
* A Little Goes a Long Way-
This means doing a little something each day to rev up your metabolism.
Go up and down the stairs to do laundry, metabolism booster,
scrub walls-another metabolism booster, get up from your desk each hour
(in the home office) and walk in place for 2 minutes-another metabolism
booster and you get the picture.
Most people have been brainwashed into thinking that you must
do 30 minutes of indoor bike riding (Peloton) or 40 minutes of
weight-training, but according to the experts, it’s simply not true.
* Make It Interesting-
If you use walking as your weight-loss tool, vary the walking speeds to keep
it interesting and less boring. Doing this makes it more fun and interesting,
plus it helps burn extra fat.

Step No. 3- Yes, You May Have Snacks!
* Plan on Snacking-
In the past, many experts said you must eat the same types of (diet foods)
for 6 months, a year or even two years for the diet to succeed.
And today, experts say it’s not realistic and could be harmful, ( leading
to endless binges) so just make sure to plan your snack out carefully,
(say a slice or two of pizza and a brownie on Saturday) and sit down
and enjoy it. Also helpful: Only buy a small amount of the food you’re
planning to snack on, in other words-don’t buy 2 pizzas and a dozen
* Snacking Everyday-
If you can handle it, some expert now say, if you’re disciplined enough,
go ahead and have a tiny bit of your favorite food everyday.
To make this work, just keep the calories between 150 and 200 calories
(sticking with single servings makes it easy to stay within that calorie count)
and eat a balanced diet the rest of the time helping you crush those cravings.
Important tip: If this doesn’t sound doable, go back to the first plan:
snacking on Sat. or Sun.

Step No. 4- Cook Big Meals!
* Cook Once and Forget It-
This simply means that if you cook a whole chicken or three pounds of
fish for dinner, save some for the next day’s breakfast or lunch.
Make a lot of chili, no problem, use it to place on stir-fried vegetables
or on top of baked potatoes.
And lastly, if you make veggie-frittatas, use the leftovers the next day
with a salad and some protein.
Choosing foods you can cook once, then use for 2 or 3 meals, can keep
you slim and trim over the long haul by helping you avoid the temptations
of workplace snacks, neighbor’s barbecues, Grub-hub and Mickey-D’s

* Pamela Peeke, M.D.
* Michelle Schoffro-Cook, Ph.D
* Sarah Jane Bedwell, R.D
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