Shorter days, less sunlight, colder temperatures, spending hours indoors
and the endless supply of (fattening) food starting in Oct. and lasting until
Valentine’s day are some of the reasons why so many Americans gain weight
and if this describes you and you want to curb the winter cravings, use
the tips listed below. a

a) Move More-
If that plate of cookies or brownies starts to call and tries to get your attention,
move your body.
Yes, engaging in an activity for just a few minutes kick-starts the production of
appetite-taming hormones, killing a sugar craving in less than a minute.
The activity you choose is up to you. Dance for a few minutes, do some
sit-ups and jumping jacks or go up and down the stairs for 3 to 5 mins.
Another tip:
It’s also wise to engage in some type of activity every hour or 90 mins.
Doing so will keep appetite-taming hormones high, but it (moving) will
also help you get (or stay) toned and burn calories throughout the day.

b) Before Reaching For Seconds-
Or even thirds-phone a friend. You’re going to have a slice of lasagna
or a slice of pie this time of year, but make sure you stop at one serving,
and if it’s too difficult- just call or text a friend or family member.
Interacting with someone close to you revs the production of oxytocin-a
mood-boosting neurotransmitter that quashes the urge to overeat.

c) Take a Whiff-
You ate healthy all day, but now you want a sweet treat or a carb-rich
dish and to be able to resist, all you have to do is deeply inhale a
grapefruit, (the real fruit or grapefruit essential oil). The scent of grapefruit
could shut down a dessert craving in less than a few minutes. Grapefruit
contains limonene, a compound that makes your brain more sensitive
to the “full” signals coming from your stomach.
Another tip:
You can also take a deep whiff of vanilla extract if a craving should strike,
but there’s one drawback, what is it? The vanilla scent may get your salivary
glands going, and then you might attack that plate of brownies in the fridge
or those cookies tucked in the back of the cabinet. It’s up to you- a grapefruit
or vanilla scent.

d) Rub Here-
Another secret to combat winter cravings is acupressure.
Rub or massaging certain pressure points is a great way to avoid
the mindless snacking that comes from being stuck inside for
hours on end. And to fight off the urges to raid the refrigerator
and/or pantry, all you have to do is rub your ears. Firmly massaging
both ears for a few minutes can cut your urge to snack by 70% for
one hour. Researchers say that stimulating nerve endings in your ears
prods your brain to release serotonin-a calming, appetite-taming

e) Gargle-
You may know about the benefits of gargling to help prevent cold viruses
from entering your throat, but did you know it (gargling) can also help
put an end to sugar cravings. Gargling with sweetened water for 2 mins.
helps shut down cravings for sweets. The hint of a sweet flavor stimulates
the frontal lobe-the brain region that fires up self-control. To do: Dissolve
1/4 tsp. of sugar (or honey) into 2 oz. of water and gargle when a craving
strikes. After a few minutes, rinse with plain water afterward to prevent

f) Eat Some Fat-
To quash a craving, you should eat some fat, a good fat.
Eat a Tbs. of organic coconut oil, a little (real) butter or natural
peanut butter. Eating good fats each day cuts cravings by 25%,
plus it (fat) prods the release of feel-full hormones, which also
helps prevent cravings.

* Research In Neuroscience Letters
* Jaio Shen, Ph.D.
* Georgetown University, Washington D.C.

Please pass this article onto family and friends who need help
to quell their cravings for delicious foods and beverages this
time of year. Share this info over at Facebook, Tik-Tok, Pinterest,
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