If you given up the occasional burger, slice of pizza or rack of ribs due to the fat, salt or
carbs, please put them back on the menu.

No- that’s not a misprint, according to some researchers you can use certain foods to
counteract the unhealthiness of those so-called “forbidden” foods.

So, if you want fried chicken, ribs or a loaded stuffed potato, make sure to
do the following.

a) Steak-
Or a burger or sausage. Pair it with red wine, or add some red wine to a marinade
and brush it over your hamburger or steak an hour before cooking.
Red wines aren’t just a perfect flavor pairing, they also contain special compounds
that block cholesterol-forming compounds in the meat from being absorbed
by your body.

b) The Avocado Rx-
Football great Tom Brady may be on to something, he talks about
his love of avocados and uses them for dips and desserts, and if you
want to continue eating steak and Italian sausage, do like TB12 and start
eating them as well. Avocados contain healthy fats, vitamin E and fiber that
reverses a slowdown in blood flow triggered by meaty dishes, keeping
your heart healthy.

b) Fried Chicken-
An indulgence many people have given up due to the calories.
To offset the calories just add one or more teaspoons of natural “non-Dutched”
cocoa to your recipe. Cocoa won’t change the taste, but it will block the breakdown
of fat and carbohydrates, so they pass right through you without getting stored
in your cells. Look for a top quality cocoa online at DrFurhman.com.

c) Absorb Less Fat-
In addition to using cocoa, you can also drink some milk (regular or skim)
with your fried chicken dinner and and you’ll absorb about 20% less fat from that
Calcium in milk binds to fat and whisks it out the body before it’s absorbed.

d) Spare Ribs-
Do you love barbecue? Do you cook the ribs on a grill at high temperatures?
Well, if you enjoy fatty meats on the grill, you’re also raising your risk of
contracting certain cancers. Cooking at high temperatures on a grill
can trigger the formation of cancer-causing chemicals called heterocyclic
amines (HCA). The smart way to keep these HCA’s from forming, is to
cook meat in the microwave. Cook it for 2 to 3 minutes before placing it
on the grill. Microwave heat eliminates the compounds in the meat
that create HCAs.

e) Spare Ribs Pt 2-
Another way to lower the HCAs in grilled meats: marinade the meat in
beer or soda or use rubs. Beer, soda or spices and herbs infuses it with
antioxidants that lower your risk of cancer. Do this an hour before cooking
or marinade or put spices and herbs rub on the meat, cover it up and then
place it in the refrigerator. Cook it the next day.

f) Salty Snacks-
Can’t resist the saltiness in a bag of potato chips, Doritos, pretzels or a bag
of popcorn? You may want to start taking walks or dance classes.
The more you exercise, the less your blood pressure will rise in response
to salt. Exercise naturally lowers your body’s overall levels of salt through
sweating and helps blood vessels relax, allowing for better flow.

f) Salty Snacks Pt. 2-
Not into exercise, but still want to eat a bag of potato chips or pretzels?
Look into taking the supplement- Grape Seed Extract.
It helps keep salt from raising blood pressure. It contains antioxidants called
polyphenols, which widen blood vessels.
Talk to your health-care professional before taking any type of supplement.

g) French Fries-
Oh yes, French fries are back on the menu, but you must soak them first.
If you’re making them at home, soak in water for 10 to 30 minutes before
frying. Doing this inhibits the formation of a carcinogen (acrylamide)
created when starchy foods are cooked at high temperatures.
Another tip: Cook the fries to a light golden color and not a crispy brown color.

h) Spaghetti Dinners-
Next time you eat a meal high in carbohydrates and fat- such as Spaghetti
carbonara or Eggs Benedict, drink some orange juice while you’re eating.
Oranges contain flavonoids that nix the inflammation caused by carb-rich and
fatty meals that can raise your risk of stroke, heart attack and other ailments.
Alternate a bite of food with a sip of Orange juice.
Choose an orange juice that isn’t loaded with sugar or put a few oranges
into a blender or juicer.
Another trick: If there’s no orange juice available, eat an orange after the meal.
A doctor prescribed this Rx to his clients that weren’t going to follow any types
of dieting guidelines.

i) Dessert Please-
If you’re like our president and love a bowl of Ice cream, you must do something to
prevent the blood sugar spikes. That something: Eat it, Ice cream, pastries, or other
sugary treats with nuts. Almonds, pistachios, walnuts, or hazelnuts prevent blood
sugar from spiking. Nuts are rich in fiber and healthy unsaturated fats, which slow the
digestion of the sweet treat, so your body doesn’t get hit with a surge of sugar all
at once. Recommended dose: 2 to 3 Tbs. Nuts are a good fat and also high in calories.

j) Dessert Pt. 2-
For those who may be allergic to nuts or just don’t like them, sprinkle some
plain rolled oats on your Ice cream or over that sweet pastry.
Oats steadies blood sugar too, and the fiber in them slows the absorption
of carbohydrates into the bloodstream.

That’s it- some tricks and tips that’ll allow you to continue to have an occasional
slice of pizza, an 8 oz. steak, bag of chips or fried chicken.

* American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
* Journal of Functional Foods
* Tulane University
* University of Florida

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