One of the complaints many people have is “there’s just no time for healthier eating.”
That may be true, but it’s one of the things we have to do if we want to avoid a number
of illnesses and diseases and hopefully live longer, and if this has become the main
reason for ordering take-out or buying processed (junk) food, you’re in luck.

Listed below, are some simple steps you can take to make good-for-you meals
without spending hours in the kitchen each day.

The simple steps:

a) Sprinkle On The Cheese-
You may have heard about nutritional yeast, but if you haven’t, it’s quite popular
with the vegan crowd and if you eat eggs, stir-fried veggies, soups and stews,
then sprinkle a little of the cheesey substitute on your dishes to get more protein
and improve your health.
You only need 2 Tbs. each day and you’ll get 8 grams of protein, which will steady
blood sugar, and ward off cravings. Plus, it’s slightly salty and low in sodium.
Another tip:
Make sure you look at the label and get nutritional yeast and not brewer’s yeast.

b) Use Ice Cubes-
Another great way to save time, get some Ice trays and fill them with everything from
green and fruit juices, tomato sauces, etc. No time to make a green juice or sauce for
that bowl of soup? Pull out the Ice tray and place an ice cube or two into that
cup of lukewarm water (green juice) or a mug of hot water (instant soup or small
pot of Spaghetti sauce).
Tossing Ice cubes into soups or stir-fries saves you lots of time and enhances
your health as well.

c) Buy Canned Goods-
Feeling guilty because every meal isn’t homemade?
Stop feeling guilty and start buying some canned tomatoes, beans and vegetables,
all of which can make a meal in a matter of minutes. Top baked potatoes with a few
Tbs. of tomatoes or beans, or toss some canned vegetables or beans (for protein)
into a pot of soup, or a stir-fry. And the best part: no cleaning or cutting up the vegetables.

d) Eat Breakfast-
If you’re one who prefers to eat something in the morning, but don’t
have time to cook eggs, bacon, toast and coffee?
No problem, before going to bed, in a bowl, combine 2 Tbs. chia seeds,
1/4 cup of water and almond milk, 1 mashed banana (or 1/2 cup of berries)
and a pinch of cinnamon. Stir well and cover; and in the morning you’ll have
a filling and nutritious breakfast.
Another tip:
You can replace the chia seeds with rolled oats and add a little plain yogurt
on top for more protein. You can also place all ingredients in a mug and take
the meal with you.

e) Make Healthy Dessert-
You love a piece of cake or pie, but you don’t want to do all of that mixing,
stirring and baking and for you, there’s “energy balls.”
Simply put, think of small, rolled up balls of healthy ingredients that taste great.
To make:
Chop dried fruit- apricots, raisins or dates and combine with
natural peanut butter, ground flaxseed and 1 Tbs. of pure maple syrup
or dark honey. Roll into 2″ balls and freeze for an hour or in the refrigerator
for a few days. Need something sweet? Have an “energy ball” (or two).
Another benefit:
These are great for those who want extra energy and don’t want the calories
or additives found in soda, energy drinks or a candy bar.

f) A Tip For Pasta Lovers-
You love pasta, but it takes 6 or more minutes to cook. To cut the cooking time in
half, buy some bean-based pastas. They cook in 3 to 5 minutes. Add some sauce,
some frozen broccoli or cauliflower for a 3 ingredient meal that’ll last 3 days in
the refrigerator.
Look for bean-based pastas at your regular grocery stores.
One to try: Explore Cuisine Organic Black Bean Spaghetti.

g) One Day a Week-
Another great tip: If you have a few hours on Sat. Sun. or even Mon. chop
up some fruit and vegetables and leave them in containers in the refrigerator,
and if you need smoothie ingredients or vegetables for soup or stews, they’ll
be waiting for you in the refrigerator. You can also cook up a few dishes and
refrigerate or freeze them. Think of dozens of pancakes or waffles and a couple
of baked chickens.
Another tip:
Cleaning and cutting up your own fruit and vegetables will save you a ton of money,
especially if you’re buying them cut up and cleaned from your local grocery store.

That’s it, 7 tips for busy moms, (dads), students and kids who say that
they don’t have the time to make nutritious meals.

* Lyssie Lakatos-Sister an Twin, creator of the site
* Missy Chase Lapine- Author of The Sneaky Chef
* Kristin Kirkpatrick- Author of The SKinny Liver and Wellness Consultant

Please make sure to pass this article along to friends and family who don’t
have time slave away in the kitchen or over a hot stove.
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