Gut health or gastrointestinal issues have been in the news of late.
More and more people now know the importance of keeping their
guts healthy and are doing things like eating and drinking
prebiotics and probiotics.

But hold on, for those who eat sauerkraut and drink kefir on a regular
basis and it’s still not working, then you may want to try some simple
and fast Rxs to fix your GI woes and they are…

1) Nausea-
If your stomach turns from a “happy” stomach to a queasy one in
a matter of minutes, head to the refrigerator and get a lemon.
Cut it open and take a deep whiff. Lemons contain essential oils that
can calm overstimulated nerves in the brain’s nausea center, steadying
an upset stomach in as little as 1 minute. To really keep the nausea at
bay for hours, just simmer slices in a small pot of water on the stove.

2) Constipation-
Unfortunately, too many people are still eating like it’s the holidays
from a few months back (Thanksgiving and Christmas),
and if you need relief, drink some sparkling water. (or Seltzer) One glass can
provide relief in as little as one hour–plus cut your risk of future backups by as
much as 65%, if you enjoy two glasses daily. Researchers say that the bubbles
encourage gentle intestinal muscle contractions that keep food moving
through the digestive tract.
Also try and go easy on the foods that will be served on St. Patrick’s day and Easter.

3) Indigestion-
The body-clock shift caused by the time change can disrupt the nerves that
control digestive tract function, raising the risk of indigestion, burping and
other GI upsets. For fast relief when you feel trouble brewing, slowly chew, then
swallow, 1/2 tsp. of fennel seeds. Compounds in fennel seeds called anethole,
relax stomach cramping, which encourages the release the of digestive enzymes
and tamps down gas formation, easing bloat and burping.

4) Heartburn-
If you overindulge on Corn beef, potatoes and cabbage or lamb on Easter,
and now you have heartburn, try taking slow, deep belly breaths after finishing
a big meal. Doing this simple exercise cuts heartburn risk by up to 75% since
controlled belly breathing activates the diaphragm, a muscle that stops
food and stomach acid from splashing into the esophagus.
Also helpful: Chewing each forkful or spoonful of food 20 to 25 times.
Important tip: Need help with implementing belly breathing techniques?
Another tip: Drink some Aloe Vera juice. Introduce it slowly, as it might
cause other issues. So, drink a small amount with carrot juice or coconut water.
Go to and type beginner’s deep breathing exercises in the
search bar and watch a video or two.

5) Spasms-
Need something easy and gentle to soothe those stomach spasms?
Head to a window or head outside and look up at the clouds and/or Sun.
Gazing at nature’s wonders can eliminate stomach pain in as little as 15
minutes. Enjoying brief moments of focused calm (watching a sunset
or staring at a garden of multi-colored flowers) signal the nervous
system to stop production of a pain-triggering gene in the digestive tract.

6) Bloat-
The millions of people who experience some type of bloating is
epidemic and if this is the GI issue you’re dealing with all you
have to do is take a walk. Not an hour long or 30 minute walk,
but a slow-paced 5 minute walk is all that’s required to reduce the
bloating, stomach pressure and pain. The reason for the bloating:
Delayed gastric emptying. Fortunately, getting a few minutes of
gentle exercise after each meal or snack (try stretching your legs
by walking through your house or apartment), or head outdoors
and stroll through your backyard or the neighborhood. Researchers say
that moving your legs, hips and body stimulate gentle contractions,
plus encourages the valve at the bottom of the stomach to open,
allowing food to pass into the small intestine.

* Massachusetts General Hospital
* Australian Research Team
* Italian Scientists
* University of Colorado, (Boulder), Research Team

Please pass this post on to friends and family who suffer
from GI issues. Share the article over at Facebook, Snapchat,
Instagram (stories), Reddit, Pinterest, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).
