Help, End The Pain in My Achy Knees!

Knee pain makes up more than 35% of all doctors’ visits for muscle and
joint pain and if you’re among the 35% and want something simple
and natural, continue reading.

Simple Physical Rxs:
a) Stand Like This-
Tall. When you stand and shift your weight to one side, you’re putting
a great deal of pressure on that leg’s knee joint. The simple fix: Just stand
with your weight evenly over both feet. It’s the quickest and easiest way to
take pressure off your knees.
One last tip: This is especially important for women, since they’re more flexible
than men, their knees can almost literally get bent out of shape.
b) Walk This Way-
Uphill. You may not believe it, but keeping the Butt in tiptop shape takes pressure
off your knees. It’s like a chain reaction-the stronger your butt muscles, the more
strain they take off your thighs when you walk, which in turn, takes a lot of stress
and strain off the knees. So, to make your butt stronger, start walking uphill
for a few minutes each day.
c) Put Your Feet Up-
It’s often recommended to help you unwind, but putting the feet up can also relieve
knee pain. The simple fix: Throw a few pillows on the floor and slide your feet
up a wall. Or you can put a few pillows at the other end of the bed and slide your
feet up the wall for 5 to 10 minutes. Do this once or twice a day.

The Gel Rx:
a) Use a Flower-
More specifically-use arnica gel which is made from a flower belonging
to the sunflower family. It contains natural anti-inflammatories that soothe away
knee aches and pains caused by osteoarthritis. Look for arnicare gel online at

The Dietary Rxs:
As is often the case, certain foods can act like medicine and help you relieve aches
and pains.
a) Eggs and O.J.-
You may already be eating eggs and drinking juice and if it’s true, just try these
food items for awhile. Eggs contain lots of anti-inflammatory omega-6 fats and
O.J. has a lot of vitamin C, which wards off bone loss associated with osteoarthritis.
Important tip: You may want to make your own orange juice (in a juicer) as the
store bought kind may have too much sugar.
b) More Onions Please-
Onions and tiny shallots are loaded with something called sulfur and quercetin,
compounds that significantly reduce knee pain by inhibiting the enzymes directly
responsible for joint inflammation.
c) Watch Out For-
Processed food, sugary food and beverages, or anything that has a list of
chemicals on the label can release tons of inflammation into your system,
especially your knees.
d) Take It Off-
The weight. You may already know, but carrying extra pounds can burden the
whole body, but is especially damaging to your knees. For help and guidance,
go online to Youtube or Instagram and look for diet and exercise programs that
best suits your needs.
e) Beans-
Although it’s rarely mentioned, a number of people have gotten great relief for their
achy needs from beans. Eating beans a few times a week may be the only simple
and inexpensive medicine you need. Again, it needs to be repeated, watch the
sides and add-ins when making and eating beans. Watch the meats, cheeses,
sour cream and buttered breads, you know- chili with all of the fixings.
f) Cherry Juice-
If you’re a regular at this blog, then you’re probably familiar with a number of posts
that tout the benefits of cherries and cherry juice. Compounds in both help
all types of aches and pain and even help put an end to insomnia.
Now that the Summer season is almost here, visit a Farmer’s market or two, and
stock up cherries. Eat them plain, or put a few in the juicer and drink the juice, do this
a few days each week. Another suggestion: Have a bowl of beans and some cherry
juice to wash it down.

The Simple Exercises-
You only need two exercises to help alleviate and prevent future knee pain and
the exercises…
a) Hamstring Exercise-
The muscles in the back of your thighs need to be flexible to take pressure off
of your knees. To strengthen your knees, lie flat, keeping one leg bent with your
foot on the floor and raising the other one up to about a 90-degree angle. Relax for
a count of five, then slowly lower your leg to the floor and repeat on the other side.
Make sure to follow the relaxing part, the stretch receptors in your muscles activate
when you relax.
b) Sit Here-
On the wall. This will strengthen your quadriceps, the big muscles at the front of your
thighs. Keeping these muscles strong help keep your knees in place, buffering them
from shock and stress. A simple exercise to do: Stand with your back resting against
a wall and your feet spread slightly apart in front of you, about one foot from the wall.
Next, slowly lower yourself to a sitting position. Hold 10 secs. repeat 5 times per set
for 3 sets.

That’s it- a simple guide for alleviating and hopefully ending knee pain.
Good Luck!

* Rick Olderman, Physical Therapist
* Miho J. Tanaka, M.D. Team Physician for The St. Louis Cardinals
* Sharol Tilgner, Herbalist and N.P.

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