Do you think getting healthier requires strict dieting, running 5 miles a day
or doing yoga for an hour each day?

Not true, there are some incredibly simple things you can do to improve your
health. Still, not a believer? Continue reading for more details.

a) Slim Down Your Waistline-
If a slim and trim stomach is a goal you have for the new year, all you have to do
besides eat a cleaner diet, is Stretch.
Gentle stretches can slim your stomach better than high-energy vigorous workouts.
Exercise like Tai-chi, or slow movements and stretches, can help you shed nearly
40% more weight from your waistline than those who do moderate-intensity exercise.
Tai chi tones abdominal muscles, plus it relaxes you, which reduces belly-fat
buildup due to stress.
Look for Tai chi classes at your local YMCA or Planet Fitness. Or go online and
look for a Tai-chi instructor or go online to and look for beginner’s
Tai-chi videos.

b) Beat The Blues-
It’s no secret, that winter can bring about feelings of loneliness and mild
depression, and if this describes you, then you may want to get out and take
a stroll through your neighborhood or drink more water.
A quick, jaunt through the neighborhood improves mood within 15 mins.
Researchers say brisk walking ushers more energizing oxygen into the lungs,
which chases away fatigue and makes you feel more vibrant.
Another tip:
Not able to get outside this time of year? Go to and
look for walking indoor videos from Leslie Sansone.
And after that brisk walk, drink some water. Another downfall of not hydrating
properly: Dark and blue moods. Drinking more water releases the mood-souring
hormone vasopressin, but getting more water into your system tamps it down.
Another tip:
You don’t have to only drink more water, you can get hydrated just by eating
more fruit and vegetables with high water counts.
The list:
Melons–watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew

c) A Better Memory-
Do you lose more memory due to the cold and dark winter months?
If so, grab a book or a few magazines. Reading aloud and trying to retain
the information is a great way to keep your memory in tip-top shape.
Saying words out loud gives your brain two ways to process them and
then turning them into stronger memories.

d) Don’t Lose Your Balance-
Snow and ice can certainly make the winter months less enjoyable
and if you’re getting older and concerned about losing your balance,
just do 2 simple things.
First, make a fist.
Yes, yoga can help you in terms of improving your balance, but remember,
these are simple tips and all you have to do is make a fist. Clenching your fist
when standing and walking activates the body’s system for maintaining balance,
shoring up your footing.
Secondly, light a scented candle.
To keep your balance indoors, like when getting out of the shower or
getting up from the couch, spray the room with a scented spray or light a candle.
Inhaling certain aromas stimulates areas of the brain that improves stability.

e) Deeper Sleep-
Another casualty of the winter months: Interrupted sleep and frequent
wake-ups. Sleeping more and straight through the night can improve
your health in a number of ways and if you’re having trouble getting
to and staying asleep, get a quilt or weighted blanket.
Heavier blankets and quilts prompts the body to release 30% more
of the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin.
Important tip:
If you’re underweight and not able to push off extra blankets, then you
may want to skip this tip. But you can get deeper sleep by wearing
extra-thick socks and eating an egg or two before (an hour before)
bed. Eggs are rich in vitamin D, which helps you sleep longer and deeper.
Other foods with high vitamin D counts: salmon, fortified milk and tuna.

f) Prevent Diabetes-
The number of new cases of diabetes grows expotentially in the U.S. and
if you want to stay diabetes-free, then you can do these two things.
First, exercise. Simply put, exercise your feet. That’s right, flex your feet
a few times a day for a min. or two. Foot flexing activates the soleus
muscles in your calves, which burns off extra glucose. Doing this exercise
a few times a day, reduces blood sugar spikes by 52% and insulin by 60%.
Secondly, wear a sleep mask. Mentioned in the above tip- getting better sleep
protects you from a number of illnesses and diseases and diabetes is one of
those diseases.
Sleeping in total darkness cuts type 2 diabetes risk, The sleep mask improves
sleep and slows heart rate, increasing insulin sensitivity.

* Swedish Researchers
* Clarkson University, Research Dept. New York
* German Scientists
* Wake Forest University, Research Dept.

Please pass this article on to friends and relatives who hate
strict diets and vigorous exercise programs, but who still want to
get in better shape.
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Reddit, Snapchat, Tik-Tok and Twitter.

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Thank You and Here’s to a Happier and Healthier 2023.