Sweet treats for Hanukkah, 2023!

Although the recipes for the following sweet treats may be a little late,
that’s okay, just put the recipes away and save them for December, 11
months from now.

The recipes are for the Jewish holiday known as Hanukkah
and these traditional Festival of Light sweets will only take a few
minutes to prep and bake (or cook) and something even better:
Each treat is less than 300 calories.

Sweet Treat No. 1-
Coconut Macaroons!
The secret to these coconut treats is almond extract.
4 egg whites
2/3 cup of sugar
1 1/2 cups of sweetened flaked
coconut, chopped
2/3 cup of all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. almond extract
To make:
Heat the oven to 350*F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.
Get out the mixer and on medium-high speed, beat egg whites until
lightly and frothy. Gradually beat in sugar until stiff peaks form.
Fold in coconut, flour and almond extract. Transfer to a pastry bag with
a tip.* Pipe on baking sheets 2″ apart. Bake until lightly browned about
11 to 14 mins. Let cool.
Calories per macaroon-60, Prot-1g. Carbs-11g.
* Can’t find or don’t own a piping bag?
Make your own-get a large plastic zip loc bag and fill it with the sweet mixture
and cut off one of the tips.
Variations: If you grow tired of regular macaroons, make some with chocolate.
In a double boiler over medium heat, melt 1/2 cup of dark chocolate chips.
Dip cooled macaroons in chocolate. Let dry.

Sweet Treat No.2-
Mandel Bread!
These Biscotti-like bites are irresistible with crunchy nuts and dried fruit.
2 cups of all-purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp. of baking powder
1/4 tsp. of salt
1/2 cup of butter, leave out at room temperature
3/4 cup of sugar
2 eggs
1/2 tsp. of grated orange zest
1/2 cup of slivered almonds, chopped
1/2 cup of dried cranberries, chopped
To make:
Heat the oven to 350*F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.
In a bowl, mix flour, baking powder and salt. On medium speed, beat
butter and sugar until smooth. Add the eggs and zest, then flour mixture,
almonds and cranberries.
Roll dough into 2 (9″) logs, about 2″ thick. Transfer to baking sheet.
Freeze for 20 mins. Bake until no longer wet in the center, 30 mins.
Let cool 20 mins. Reduce the oven temperature to 300*F. Cut logs
into 1/2″ thick slices. Transfer to baking sheets. Bake 20 to 30 mins.
Let cool.
Calories per serving-80, Prot-1g. Carbs-10g.

Sweet Treat No. 3-
Jelly Donuts-
No need to go to Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme for your next
jelly donut fix, just stay home and make them yourself.
Oil for frying
1 lb. of frozen bread dough, thawed, at room temperature
2/3 cup of seedless strawberry or raspberry or blueberry jam
3/4 cup of confectioners’ sugar
To make:
In a heavy, deep pot, heat 2″ oil over medium heat until deep-frying
thermometer registers 350*F. Meanwhile, on a lightly floured surface,
roll out dough to 3/8″ thickness. Using 3″ round cutter, cut out 8 rounds,
rerolling scraps as needed.
Working with 3 at a time, drop dough into oil, keeping remaining dough
covered; fry, flipping once, until golden brown and cooked through in centers,
1-2 min. per side. Drain on paper towels. Stir jam until smooth. Transfer to plastic
sandwich bag; snip hole in one corner. Cut a small slit or poke hole through side of
each donut; pipe in jam. Sprinkle with confectioners’ sugar.
Calories per donut- 280, Prot-3g. Carbs-50g.

Popular Blogs:
* What Jew Wanna Eat
* Cooking in Heels
* Kosher Like Me
Recipes from my Jewish Grandmother

Please make sure to pass these delectable sweet treats to those
who love kosher recipes and for others who just have a “sweet tooth.”
Share the recipes over at Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat,
Reddit, Tik-Tok, Pinterest and Twitter.

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Have a Happy and Healthy 2023!