If you suffer from aches and pains and think the only relief is from a
drugstore, you’re wrong.

Before buying Doan’s, Aleve or Advil, try the food alternatives.

What type of foods?
a) Spinach-
Popular in stir-fries or smoothies, the leafy green can soothe irritated
nerves. Spinach contains a compound called alpha-lipoic acid, (ALA)
that can cut chronic aches and pains by 55%. Some other foods
that contain ALA…broccoli, beets carrots and tomatoes.
Try and eat a cup of one or all of the vegetables each day.

b) Potatoes-
If you recently suffered from a bad sprain and are tired of popping
over-the-counter meds, then you may want to try potatoes.
Eat them boiled, baked or roasted (along with the skins) and you could
bounce back faster. Potatoes contain plant proteins, magnesium and
potassium, nutrients that activate muscle-repair genes inside damaged
tissue to speed healing.
Another tip:
Some people even make a poultice and apply a few potato slices right
on the sore spot. Not sure how to do this technique? Go to youtube.com
and type potato poultice in the subject line.

c) Mangoes-
Often discredited because of their sweetness, mangoes can help limber up
stiff muscles and joints, in about 3 days. And something even better:
Eat them on a regular basis and you’ll cut your risk of future aches in half.
And lastly, mangoes also curb damaging tissue inflammation by 60%.

d) Cashews-
Another food that often gets a bad rap due to the high fat count, but if you
want to repair damaged cartilage, add some cashews to your daily menus.
Cashews contain a unique mix of fatty acids and minerals strengthen and heals
joint cartilage. Another benefit: If a change in the weather causes aches and pains,
eat a few cashews to avoid the impending pain.

e) Fish-
Another food that doesn’t get enough credit as a powerful pain reliever is
fatty fish. More specifically, low-mercury fish like sardines, salmon, mackerel
and herring. Eating 4 to 6 oz. 2 to 3 times a week and you can curb your risk of
pain by 65%. Another plus: If you’re already in pain and want to cut the recovery time-
eat some fatty fish. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish increase production of nitric oxide,
a chemical that opens arteries so healing blood flow can aid tissue repair.

f) Avocados-
Are you feeling more tightness and less limber as the years pass?
Well, avocados like mangoes can help relieve the stiffness in about
2 weeks time. Avocados are loaded with a good fat known as oleic
acid that quashes inflammation, plus dials down your levels of pain-
triggering hormones called cytokines.

g) Cherries-
Touted as one of the best foods to help end aches, pains and even gout.
Fresh cherries are on sale this time of year, so if achy joints, arthritic hands
and feet and even gout are something you struggle with on a daily basis,
buy a bunch of them and put some away in the freezer.

h) Watch Out For-
You can eat all of the foods listed above, but if you’re still eating processed
foods, fast food and sugary beverages, you’ll still suffer from joint pain, aches,
and stiffness. So, make a slice of birthday cake, pizza, or burger and fries
a rare treat. (once a week or once a month).

* University of Penn. Research Dept.
* Journal of Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
* Journal Nutrients

Please pass this article onto family and friends who may be recovering
from a sprain, a broken bone or the everyday aches and pains.
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