Tired of spending money on organic veggies, fish and chicken and then
ruining them by overcooking or improperly seasoning them?

Well, that won’t happen anymore thanks to these tips from
professional chefs.
Their tips are for chicken, fish and vegetables.

Tip No. 1-
To get more sweetness out of your vegetables, slice them on a diagonal instead
of dicing them into cubes. The angular cut will maximize the surface area that gets
caramelized under the oven heat, giving you and your loved ones a delicious
and more tender tasting vegetable.

Tip No. 2-
Buy an expensive cut of salmon or sea bass and then overcook it?
Not anymore, the pro chefs say use parchment paper. Doing so locks
in the steam, making for a tastier and moister piece of fish. To do this
trick: Cut 12″X 14″ sheets of parchment paper, then arrange fish on
one side. Fold over and twist edges to seal.
Bake as you normally would. Make sure you have a set time as to how
long the fish should cook.
One last tip: You can also add some veggies to this, the juices from the
fish will flow right into the veggies, making them tender and tastier.
Or use 2 separate sheets of parchment paper, place the veggies
on one side, seasonings and avocado or olive oil and place the second
sheet on, seal up and bake.

Tip No. 3-
You season it overnight, you brine it and sometimes you dry rub it and it still
comes out dry. No problem, from this moment on, you’re going to start cooking
a whole chicken in a Bundt pan.
A cake pan?
Yes. To do: Place the chicken upright over the center tube of a Bundt pan
and then place this on top of a cookie sheet (to catch all of the liquid).
Cook as you normally would for 1 or 2 hours. The bundt pan will allow the
heat to circulate around the bird, crisping up the skin and locking in the juices.
Another tip: You can also slice and dice up some vegetables and place them
on the sides, which will also make the veggies crispier and juicier.

3 tips for those who are tired of dried out and tasteless fish, chicken and veggies.

* Bobby Flay of The Food Network
* Gordon Ramsey, Restaurant Owner and Television Chef
* American Test Kitchen, PBS Network

Please pass these 3 cooking tips on to friends and family who want better
tasting fish, chicken and vegetables. Share over at Facebook, Instagram,
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