Yes, you may be aware of the foods that are touted as ” good for a specific health issue.”
You know, watermelon and fresh cheeries as natural sleep aids, cooked tomatoes as
natural sunscreen and onions as bone-builders, and oranges as cold preventive medicine.

Well today, researchers say there’s another food that can help you tame tension
and boost stamina and something even better: this food is often used to make
a popular summer side dish.

The Food:
Researchers say that spuds contain trytophan, an amino acid that your body uses
to make the calming, energy-boosting hormone serotonin.
So, now that you’re aware of one redeeming value of the often maligned white
potato, and if you need more calm and energy in your life, go ahead and have
baked potatoes, fries (also baked) and potato salad this summer and continue
to eat them throughout the rest of the year and if you’re in need of a potato
salad recipe, we have you covered.

Recipe for Summer Potato Salad!
2 lbs. of white potatoes
1 lemon
1 /2 cup of mayonnaise
1/4 cup of pickle relish
2 Tbs. of white wine (or apple cider) vinegar
2 Tbs. Dijon mustard
2 Tbs. of minced red onion
1 Tbs. of dark honey (optional)
1 clove of garlic, minced
2 ribs of celery-thinly sliced
Fresh chives-chopped (optional)
To make:
Cut potatoes into 1″ cubes. In pot of salted boiling water, cook until
tender, about 15 to 20 mins; drain. Grate 1 tsp. of lemon zest and
2 Tbs. of the juice into a bowl. In the same bowl, whisk mayonnaise, relish,
vinegar, mustard, onion, honey, garlic, 1/2 tsp. of salt and 1/4 tsp. of black pepper;
fold in the potatoes and celery. Transfer to a serving bowl, and garnish with fresh
Calories per serving-225, Carbs-33g. Prot-2g.

More tips: If weight is an issue, meaning you avoid potatoes because of the
starch, then you may want to cook them the night before (Sat.)–allow to cool,
refrigerate them and then dress them up in the morning. (Sun.)
Cooking, then refrigerating and eating the potatoes the next day,
makes them a resistant starch.
Resistant starch-“resists’ digestion and stays intact until it reaches your large
intestine, (colon).
-Another twist- try boiling some sweet potatoes and use them to make the
above recipe or use a mixture of sweet and white potatoes.

* Australian Research Team
* recipes site
* Journal Behavior

Please make sure to pass this article and recipe onto friends and family who
need less stress and more energy in their lives.
Share it over at Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat, Tik-Tok
and Twitter.
