Are you concerned about having a stroke as you get older?
Has someone close to you had a stroke?

Well, according to new research you (and your loved ones) can lower your
odds of having stroke-causing brain clots in the brain by loading up on more
veggie-laden meals (plant-based).
Vegetables provide you with a number of minerals and vitamins that
improve blood flow to the whole body, but especially to your brain.

Danish researchers say that people who are between the ages of 50 to 65 yrs.
and eat a plant-based diet are less less likely to have a stroke than folks
who didn’t change their diet to include more plant foods.
Plus, the researchers say that having a meal of eggs, dairy and
meat once or twice a week won’t increase your odds of a stroke, just
as long as you make veggies the main food in your diet.

So, if you’ve been avoiding veggies or barely eating them, this may
be all the encouragement you need and to help you on your quest
to eat more veggies, here are 2 dishes to get you started.

Veggie Meal No.1-
Bean & Veggie Bowl!
In a large pot, add 1 can of beans, (kidney, black or cannellini,
rinsed and drained) 1 can of diced tomatoes, 1 cup of vegetable broth,
1 diced onion, 1/2 tsp. chili powder. Heat up these ingredients on medium
and after 15 mins. turn the heat down to low, cook for 5 to 10 mins. more
and then add the vegetables you enjoy.
(Slice and dice some carrots, zucchini, broccoli, celery, sweet potatoes
and parsley) salt, pepper and 1/4 tsp. of turmeric and cook on low for
another 10 to 15 mins.
Serve this hearty bowl of beans and veggies with a green salad
and some crusty bread.

Veggie Meal No. 2-
Veggie & Pasta Stir-Fry!
To make:
Boil some water to make a cup or two of pasta, and then steam or parboil a
few vegetables you prefer. After that, mix the two with a little olive oil, garlic
cloves and seasonings. Heat up for 3 to 5 mins. and then serve with a green
salad and crusty bread.
Important tip:
If you prefer sauce, add some sauce the last 2 mins. of cooking and then
some grated cheese.

* Danish Research Team
* Ian A. Smith M. D., author of Plant-Power
* Harvard Scientists
Make sure to get the word out about vegetables and fewer strokes, share it with
family and friends over at Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Reddit, Pinterest, Tik-Tok
and Twitter.