Grain-Free Sandwiches!
If losing weight was your New Year’s resolution and you’re sticking to it, here are some great alternatives for those who want a sandwich or burger but not the bread (buns). These healthy swaps will allow you to enjoy that ham and cheese, that burger…
Tasty Salad To Preserve Your Brain!
The Number 1 book on this Week’s non-fiction bestselling list is: “Keep Sharp,” by Santay Gupta, M.D. And if you’re concerned about brain aging, dementia and Alzheimer’s there are some incredibly simple things you can do right now to prevent it, things like… a) Move-…
Desserts That Boost Immunity!
The main topic for most of us these past 13 months is Co-Vid, Co-Vid, and more Co-Vid. The things we must do to avoid it, the proper way to washour hands, wear face masks, and now-the vaccines. But wait, is there any talk of how…
One Pan Rx To Lower Stress Levels!
If stress is getting the better of you and you want some non-medicinal ways to lower the levels, do the following… Non-medicinal Rxs: a) Move-We’re not talking about an hour on the treadmill or an hour in the gym, all that’s required is 3 to…
The Dinner Rx For Sound Sleep!
It’s been a difficult 18 months for a lot of people, and one of the things that has affected a lot of you, is sleep. Or a lack of it. There’s a reason why medical professionals prescribe 6 to 8 hours each night, the reasons:…
A Winter Soup Rx For Better Health!
This Winter is challenging for many: Co-Vid-19, job losses, financial difficulties, more anxiety and on and on. And if you’re suffering from stress, anxiety and other issues, perhaps a bowl of soup might help you reach a Zen state. Soup? Yes, according to recent research,…
The Omelette Rx For A Strong Immune System!
We’re seeing a big drop in the number of CoVid 19 cases around the U.S. Some say it’s because it has affected more than 70 million people already and then there are those who say it’s because of the vaccine. Well, if you and your…
The Best Spring Vegetables To Boost Your Health!
Spring Into Spring With These Vegetables! Spring is almost upon us and if you plan on doing some Spring cleaning on your home, why not also do some Spring cleaning on your health? How, you ask? By taking advantage of the fresh produce that’s available…
Lose The Belly, Improve Your Health!
A Rice Dish To Help You Slim Down! If you’re a regular reader of this blog, then you know that the past 2 articles were all about helping you get into shape for the upcoming Summer season. And today, we’re posting another article on the…
The Best Diet Hacks For 2021!
Finding Diet Success This Year! If you’re hoping to shed weight in the next few months but dread the cravings, the tempting aromas, the (bad) influences all around you and the between meal snacking, try some of the tips to stay on track from people…
The Best Foods To Torch Winter Fat!
   Time To Shed The Winter Weight! It’s almost March and you’re getting a little antsy because you know in about 3 months it’ll be bathing suit season. Well, if you’re hoping to lose 10 to 20 pounds by Memorial day, (end of May)…