The Adult Beverage Superfood For A Slimmer Waistline!
According to recent news, a lot of women have taken up drinking wine as a result of the pandemic, (Co-Vid-19). A glass (maybe two) of wine is okay, but if you’re overdoing it, and it’s causing you problems, you may want to stop right now,…
The Rainbow Rxs For Better Health!
Green foods seem to be the foods doctors and health specialists recommend to their patients and clients as a way to improveone’s health. That statement is true, but only partially true. You see, greens do improve your health, but let’s not forget the orange, red,…
The Best Natural Rxs To Protect Men From Prostate Cancer!
Breast cancer is to women, what prostate cancer is to men. And unfortunately, the rates of prostate cancer are going up. Well, you’re in luck, according to researchers there are some ordinary foods and non-food things that’ll help you lower your risk of ever being…
Japan and Korea’s Beverage Rx For Faster Weight Loss!
In the U.S.-soda and lemonade are the 2 go-to beverages when we want to quench our thirst in the Summer. But, if you head to Japan and Korea, you’ll want most likely satisfy your Summer thirst with a drink called Pom-Vinegar. A Pom-Vinegar, what is…
The Easter Entree Rx For More Energy!
Do you plan on serving ham or lamb this Easter? Why not do forgo these two popular entrees and try something different. Something different? Yes, as in pork tenderloin. Why pork tenderloin? Well, like lamb, it benefits your body in a number of ways, and…
Spain’s Rx To Prevent The Female Cancers!
Every Culture has their favorite or special dish and if you travel to Spain, you’ll most likely have Gazpacho. What is Gazpacho? It’s a cold soup made of raw blended vegetables and it (the soup) originated in the Southern regions of the Iberian peninsula, specifically…
Tasty Beef and Pasta Rx To Block Middle-Aged Weight Gain!
Ladies, are you struggling with middle-aged spread? Well, you’re not alone, millions of women are and the reason for it may be hormones. Yes, hormones. According to medical professionals-hormones shift after menopause,making weight control a whole lot harder, which is why you may see the…
The Liquid Rxs For Movie Star Looks!
As we age, many of us start to see many more lines, age spots,creases and other imperfections on our faces. And if this is happening to you, and you’re thinking about cosmetic surgery, hold off on that and try something natural. Something natural? Yes, as…
The Incredibly Simple Rxs For Those That Don’t Have Time To Get Healthy!
You want to be healthier, but you don’t have the time to go to the gym or prepare healthy, well-balanced meals. So, what do you do? Try the kitchen shortcuts and simple exercise tips listed below… a) Ice-Cube Trays-You buy a bunch of vegetables, but…
The French Food Rx To Growing Younger!
When one thinks of France, what usually comes to mind? The Eiffel Tower, Paris, the Champs Elysees, and great food. And if the food of France is the first thing that comes to mind, then you may want to try a dish from Provence France….
The Breakfast Rx To Boost Happiness!
Are you a fan of a big Sunday breakfast? Do you usually have something “Carby” like pancakes or waffles? Well, pancakes and waffles may make you happy for 30 to 60 minutes, but if you want “all-day happiness” then you may want to order the…
The Mediterranean Fruit Rxs For A Longer Life!
The Mediterranean Diet has been in the headlines for the past 20 yearsand if you’re thinking about following it, but aren’t sure if you can commit to it, why not try part of it. Part of it? Yes, start off by eating the fruits that…