The Simple Snack Rx To Lose Winter Weight!
Need a simple and tasty tip to help you shed the 5, 10 or 15 pounds you put on this past fall and winter? Well, read this article for more details.
A Star’s Food Rx For More Peace & Calm!
Need something to calm you down? Or do you need something to boost energy levels? Well, use the all-natural food remedies that actress and health advocate Suzanne Somers uses. For more info-read this post.
The New Year Smoothie Rx For a Younger Brain!
Are you making more smoothies now that the New year is here? Well, make sure to add more of this red fruit to smoothies. Doing this will keep your brain young.
Simple Health Tips For The New Year-(2023)
No need to overdo an exercise program or diet plan for better health in 2023, just do these simple tips and improve your health.
Winter Beverage Rxs For Hair Woes!
Are you a fan of coffee, green tea and hot cocoa this time of year? Well, in addition to helping you overcome the cold and freezing weather, these beverages can also help keep your locks (hair) in tip-top shape. For more info, you must read this post.
The Vegan Sweet Treat For a Healthier Heart!
Do you have an uncontrollably sweet tooth? Well, make your brownies with this ingredient and you not only benefit your waistline and your heart. Read the post for more info.
The Leftover Adult Beverage Rxs For Skin and Hair!
Any leftover beer, wine, Sake or champagne from the New year? Wait, don’t throw it out, use it to turn back the clock…on your looks.
The Protein-Rich Rx For Creamier Low-Cal Soups!
If you’re making more soup due to the cold weather and that it’s lower in calories, then you may want to try this soup recipe. The recipe: A lower calorie version of America’s favorite: Tomato soup. Learn the food substitute that makes it low-cal.
The Fatty Fruit Rx For Better Health In The New Year, 2023!
Any football fans out there? Well, if you enjoy a big spread of food during halftime, you may want to make sure there’s some Guacamole on the table. Why Guacamole? Read this article for more info.
Simple and Tasty Treats For The Jewish Holiday!
Although the Jewish holiday has passed, don’t let that discourage you from eating the sweet treats associated with Hanukkah. Read this post and get 3 recipes for favorite Jewish treats.
The Chocolaty Good Beverage For Better Health In The New Year, (2023)!
Need a dairy-free hot chocolate recipe for the New Year, (2023)? Well, make this hot chocolate drink not only because it tastes great, but it’s also great for your heart.
Leftover Christmas Candy Rxs For Better Health In The New Year!
Plan on having an adult beverage this New Year’s eve? Well, if you do, use some of that leftover candy cane to add to your adult beverage. Why candy canes? Read this article for more info.