High cholesterol doesn’t just increase your risk of
getting heart disease, new research says it
(high cholesterol) also raises your risk of
contracting Alzheimer’s.

Yes, dementia, mental decline, Alzheimer’s.
Doctors say lowering your cholesterol cut your risk of
Alzheimer’s by 55%, by keeping blood vessels in your
brain clear of plaque.

So, if you’re doctor has recently told you your cholesterol
is too high and wants you to go on statins, ask him (or her)
to give you some time, you want to try lowering it

And to lower it nutritionally- start adding more of the foods
listed below to your daily menus.

a) Blueberries-
For the past 15 years blueberries have been prescribed
for those who want to slow aging of the brain,
and today, researchers say they (blueberries) can
also work on lowering your cholesterol.
Fresh, frozen or dried blueberries are loaded with a plant
compound that lowers cholesterol as effectively as a

b) Apples-
The old adage- “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”
certainly rings true when it comes to cholesterol.
Apples (especially) the skin, cuts the “stickiness”
of “bad” LDL cholesterol by 45%, so it won’t latch
on to artery walls and slow down blood flow.
Important tip: Since a lot of the benefits in an apple
are in the skin, make sure to clean it (the peel) thoroughly.

c) Avocados-
Here’s more great news concerning the avocado, they
protect your blood vessels. Eating 1/2 avocado each day,
a few times a week lowers artery-clogging LDL cholesterol
by 25%. Avocados are brimming with oleic acid, a healthy fat
that turns on the cholesterol controlling genes in the liver.

d) Weight Loss-
If you’re carrying around a few extra pounds and are okay
with it, you may want to reconsider this, why?
Doctors say that shedding just 10 pounds of extra weight
can lower your bad LDL cholesterol by 10%.

e) Tomatoes-
Drink (low sodium) tomato juice and use them (tomatoes)
in salads and sauces and lower cholesterol levels by 10%.
The antioxidant that makes tomatoes red (lycopene)
is credited with lowering harmful cholesterol levels.

f) Walnuts-
Like avocados, walnuts benefit your health in a number
of ways and lowering cholesterol is certainly at the top
of the list. Eating ten to 12 walnuts a day can lower
cholesterol by 10% and raise “good” cholesterol
in about 3 months. Walnuts contain a unique blend
of antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and
healthy fats, which keep your liver from producing
harmful fat.

g) Ask Your Doctor-
Although this blog is devoted to all of the foods that can benefit
your health, we’ll also tell you about the supplements that’ll
also improve your health. And the supplement that’s been
shown to be the most effective to lower cholesterol is Pantethine.
It (pantethine) can lower cholesterol by 20% in a matter of weeks.
Important tip: Make sure to check with your health-care provider
before adding any new supplement to your daily regimen.
And please, do not stop taking any Rx without talking to
your health-care provider.

That’s it- And remember- just adding the above mentioned
foods to your diet won’t help if you’re not eating healthy
and clean the rest of the time.

* The Journal -Maturitas
* Al Sears, M.D. Author
* The Journal Neuroscience
* Robert DiSilvestro, Ph.D.