Ladies (and Gentlemen), you count calories, exercise until you’re exhausted
and you still can’t get rid of the fat, what’s happening, you ask?
It could be an imbalance in your body’s weight-controlling hormones.

So if this describes you and want you want a natural remedy to quickly
rebalance those pesky hormones, look below for the foods that’ll help
you get back on track.

a) Leptin-
If you have the urge to eat between meals, your leptin levels
may be out of whack. To fix this hormonal problem, just cut down
on carbs and add 3 to 4 oz. of red meat, poultry or fish to your daily meals.
Protein-rich foods boost the production of leptin.

b) Cortisol-
Also known as the “stress hormone” and if you stress eat then you may need
to add some vitamin-C rich foods to your daily menus. Vitamin C calms your
adrenal glands, dampening their production of the cortisol hormone.
That, in turn, cuts your risk of stress-eating by 35%.
Eat some oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, clementines and lemons each day.

c) Serotonin-
Known as the “appetite-taming” hormone and to rebalance it all you have to do
is snack on 1/4 cup of dates, raisins or other dried fruit when the munchies
strike and you can effortlessly cut your calorie intake for hours.
Eating these sweet treats on an empty stomach provides a brief spike in blood
sugar, which revs your body’s production of the appetite-taming serotonin.

d) Avoid Insulin Issues-
A lot of people consider dairy as bad as gluten, but simply adding
3 servings of it to your daily menus can help you lose 55% more
body fat. Dairy’s calcium and amino acids lower your pancreas’
production of fat storing insulin.
What’s a serving? 8 oz. of milk, or yogurt, 1 1/2 oz. of hard cheese or
1/2 cup of cottage cheese.

e) Sleep Please-
Another reason to make sure you’re getting between 6 and 8 hours of
shuteye each night-it’s key to shutting down cravings and preventing
rebound weight gain.
Another tip: Make sure the television and other electronic gadgets are also
off. Some researchers say that the light they emit may also be contributing to
weight gain and mindless snacking.

That’s it, a simple guide to help you get your weight-loss hormones back
on track.

* Michael Zemel, Ph. D.
* University of Tenn. Nutrition Research Dept.
* UCLA Research Dept.
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