Plan on visiting your local Farmers’ markets or farm stands in the next few weeks?

Well, if you do and you’re suffering from backaches or stiffness or all-over aches
and pains, make sure to load up on the natural pain medicine known as fruit.

What fruits?
Continue reading to find out.

1) Watermelon-
We’ve written about watermelon in the past, and as we continue to do research,
we find out more about the benefits one can get from eating some each day
and today, it’s about all-over aches and pains.
Watermelon contains lycopene, a plant pigment that gives watermelon (and tomatoes
and red grapefruits) their vibrant color, shuts down the damaging inflammation-triggering
enzymes that cause those aches and pain.
Eat watermelon after engaging in a strenuous activity or whenever you feel sore.

2) Cherries-
Like watermelon, eating some dark cherries or drinking the juice from cherries
will relieve aches and pains in a matter of days.
In fact, one woman who visited a farmers’ market bought 3 bags of cherries and
almost ate 1/2 bag while cleaning them and after an hour, she noticed her body
didn’t feel as sore. Long story short, she ate a few each day and by Summer’s end,
she said her aches and pain reduced significantly.
You needn’t eat a whole bag, but try and have 10 to 20 each day and see how
much better you feel.
Especially effective for those suffering from gout.

3) Avocados-
Muscle tension, back aches and all over stiffness can be eliminated by eating
more avocados. Avocados contain 12 times more anti-inflammatory plant oils
compared to other fruits, plus they’re rich in tissue-healing plant compounds,
oleic acid and carotenoids. Another benefit: avocados also improve your flexibility
and mobility. So, if you’re practicing yoga and unable to do a lot of the poses, perhaps
more avocados may help.
And one last tip: For those who think avocados are too pricey, just look for them at
Aldi, Trader Joe’s or go online to or Imperfect

4) Cucumbers-
Yes, cucumber are considered fruit, (because they have seeds) and if you have
stiff and achy joints eat more cucumbers. Cucumbers are rich in a compound
(sallicylic acid) that reduces joint inflammation, plus they’re 97% water, so they
help prevent dehydration-a stiffness trigger that’s common when the weather
is over 80 and 90 degrees.
Eat a few slices of cucumber 30 to 60 minutes before engaging in a yoga
session or a long bike ride.

5) Peaches-
It’s tempting to make a peach cobbler or peach pie, but avoid all of the sugar and
just eat them plain and you’ll reduce stiffness and joint pain by 55% in less than a week.
Peaches are rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, nutrients that reduce muscle
inflammation plus activate tissue-healing enzymes.
* UCLA Research Dept.
* University of Conn. Research Dept.
* Journal of Alternative Medicine

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