The top 10 foods that’ll help you live to 100.

Living till 90 and beyond is certainly a popular topic, especially here
in the U.S. and if you’re one who hopes to reach that age or you just like
to learn more about the people and their dietary, religious and exercise
habits, then you may be interested in the latest.

The Latest:
A group of scientists and researchers just named the 10 best foods that people
from different parts of the World eat to achieve living well into their 90’s
and beyond.

The countries that were studied: Spain, Ikaria Greece, Some parts of the
Mediterranean, China, Nicoya Costa Rica, Sardinia Italy Okinawa Japan,
Norway, Denmark, and Loma Linda California (home to a number of Mormons)
and the ten most popular foods…

a) Leafy Greens
b) Blueberries
c) Fish- Top quality fish like salmon, mackerel, herring, and trout
d) Beans, Pulses and Legumes
e) Oatmeal
f) Nuts
g) Leafy Greens
h) Root Vegetables- Rutabagas, Turnips, Beets, etc.
i) Purple Sweet Potatoes (a root vegetable)
j) Kefir- A tangy yogurt drink teeming with good bacteria and yeast
that’s great for your stomach.

So, there you have it, the top 10 foods (according to some scientists and
researchers) that the longest living people are eating on a daily basis.
If you do include some or all of the foods in your diet, just remember to cut
back on or cut out entirely the foods that may not be contributing to a longer
life, i.e. the typical Standard American Diet aka SAD.

* British Research Team
* website
* World Health Organization (WHO)
* Blue Zones Website
* Yahoo News
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