With all of the talk about the pandemic (Co-Vid 19) let’s not forget that cold and flu
season will affect us very soon and if this concerns you and you want some
“natural” Rxs to keep them at bay, you’re in luck.

Listed below are some very simple and doable tips to help you reduce your odds
of getting sick this Winter.

a) Eat Mom’s Favorite Dish-
What is it? Meatloaf. If your mom made this comfort food a few times each month,
then you should give her a pat on the back. Why?
The meatloaf was helping to keep you cold and flu-free each winter.
Red meat is rich in zinc, antiviral mineral that destroys germs at their most common point
of entry, the lining of your nose and throat. Eating as little as 12 oz. of beef each week
(starting now) reduces your risk of viral infections by 25% and if you should get
sick, red meat helps you recover 40%.
More tips:
If you do plan on eating more red meat this year, make sure to make it and eat it
in a way that benefits your health. In other words, pass on the side dishes- deep-fried
fries, or mashed potatoes made with loads of butter and sour cream, soft drinks,
white bread, and sugary-laden desserts.
Need a meatloaf recipe? Head to youtube.com or google.com and type in meatloaf
recipe in the search bar.
b) Top Your Meatloaf With-
Mushrooms. Eating 3 cups of any edible mushrooms weekly raises your winter
colds and influenza by 25% and if you do fall ill, recover 35% faster.
Mushrooms are rich in compounds called beta-glucans which prod your immune
system to make more germ-killing antibodies.
Stir fry some mushrooms in olive oil or organic butter and serve them over
the meatloaf.
Another food rich in beta-glucans: Oatmeal.
Use Oatmeal (and not breadcrumbs) in your meatloaf to give it some fiber
and volume.
c) Hot Soaks-
Are you one who enjoys soaks in hot tubs or a bath?
Well, enjoying a dip in hot or very warm water a few times a week,
cuts your risk of catching a cold by 50%. Brief increases in body temperature
rev immune cells to rapidly disarm cold viruses. If you should get sick,
take a bath or sit in the hot tub that has some hyssop essential oil to it,
the immunity-boosting herb will help you get over that cold a lot faster.
d) Exercise-
Do you ditch your exercise program in the fall and winter? Don’t do it.
Researchers say that spending a minimum 15 mins. each day doing
resistance exercises-such as sit-ups, squats, stretches and push-ups
helps keep your immune system in tip-top shape.
Strengthening muscle revs production of growth hormones
that make white blood cells 55% more energetic.
e) The New Fruit-
We were always told to eat oranges to help ward off colds.
Oranges are rich in vitamin C, which helps protects against invading
germs. And today, researchers say that kiwi (yes, the fruit from Down
under) may work just as well or even better than oranges and other
citrus fruits. Kiwi is also loaded with vitamin C, plus some other nutrients
that helps keep your immune system in tip-top shape.
Another plus: Kiwi also works like a sleeping pill, so if you have trouble
getting to sleep (and staying asleep) as the temperature gets colder, have
a kiwi or two an hour before bed.
f) Socialize-
Another thing the pandemic ruined? Socializing. Getting together with friends at least
once a week will cut your risk of colds by 55%. The happy feelings you get from
connecting with others switches on genes that rev the production of germ-killing
white blood cells. Not able to get together with friends or family? Talk on the phone
a few times a week or learn how to zoom.
g) Go Back In Time-
Simply put- go back and take a look at our past post on germs.
Yes germs, or more specifically- how to keep certain households products
clean (remote control) to help you stay cold and flu-free this Winter.

* Journal of Pharmacology
* Appalachian State Univ. Research Dept.
* Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences

Please make sure to pass this article on to family and friends who want to
stay cold and flu-free this Fall and Winter. Share it over at Facebook, Tik-Tok,
Snapchat, Reddit, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Twitter.