If your mom (or Grandma) is like most moms and Grandmas then meatloaf
was probably one of her go-to dishes.
Easy to prepare, filling and economical, meatloaf has been a staple for decades
and if you’re now a mom or Grandma and you’re still making it, you may want
to try this new recipe for meatloaf.

A new recipe?
Yes, new as in adding a particular food that’ll also help boost your moods.
The food: Lentils.

Lentils add extra protein and fiber, plus they trigger the release of feel-good
hormones in the brain, helping to boost moods.

So, if you plan on making meatloaf this week, pick up the following ingredients
from your local grocery store and make the “mood-boosting” meatloaf listed

Mood-Boosting Meatloaf!
Preheat oven to 350*F.
1 large egg
1/3 cup of milk
1/2 cup of plain breadcrumbs
1 tsp. of Italian seasoning
1/2 tsp. of garlic powder
1 tsp. of sea salt
1/2 tsp. of black pepper
2 tsp. of Worcestershire sauce
1 cup of lentils, (cooked or from a can, rinsed and drained
1/2 cup of minced onion
1.5 lbs to 2 lbs. of ground beef
To make:
In a bowl, add the egg, milk and Worcestershire sauce.
In another bowl, add breadcrumbs, seasonings, lentils
and ground beef. Mix well and add the egg, milk and Worcestershire
sauce to the meat mixture. Form into a loaf and place on a baking sheet
or a loaf pan.
Bake for 40 to 45 minutes.
And if you find that this meatloaf is a little too plain or naked,
feel free to make a sauce. The sauce-a mixture of ketchup,
Worcestershire sauce, mustard and brown sugar.
Mix the ingredients together and pour over the meatloaf the last 15 minutes
of baking.
One last tip:
If you find hamburger too fattening or expensive, feel free to use ground turkey
or ground chicken instead. Also helpful: Add some chopped mushrooms (1 cup)
to the turkey or chicken for more moistness and nutrition.

* BudgetBytes.com (Budget saving cooking site)
* University of Conn. Research Dept.
* A Taste of Home Magazine
Please make sure to share this recipe with family and friends on Facebook, TikTok,
Pinterest and Twitter.