If you have a tendency to gain a few pounds each Winter, make sure you include the
following spices.

The spices boost weight loss, without deprivation and giving you an extra health
reward as well.

The Spices:
* Turmeric-
Used by Asian countries for centuries, it (turmeric) is now gaining in popularity
here in the U.S. Turmeric can heat up a sluggish metabolism by 25%.
In addition to weight loss, turmeric can also clear the plaque that settles near the brain
and boost winter moods (SAD).
Add a little to soup, stir-fried vegetables, scrambled eggs, or a turkey burger.

* Cinnamon-
Regular cinnamon has been used to keep blood sugar levels steady, but new research
says look for Ceylon cinnamon if weight loss is your goal. Cinnamon increases sugar
metabolism in fat-cells 20-fold. It also frees up insulin to better convert amino acids
into protein, which increases calorie-burning lean muscle mass.
Add cinnamon to a cup of tea, hot cocoa, a smoothie, a bowl of fruit or hot oatmeal.

* Cayenne Pepper-
There are groups of Americans who love a lot of their meals, (muy caliente)
super hot and if you’ve gained a few pounds this holiday season, try adding
some cayenne to your meals.
Cayenne boosts your ability to burn fat by 10% for up to 3 hours. Plus, the compound
capsaicin, which gives the peppers their heat, is proven to cut pain signals in the brain,
helping those who may have back, knee, ankle or neck pain.
Add a small amount to soups and other dishes gradually.
Another tip: Do as a lot of people in Mexico do and add a 1/4 tsp. of cayenne pepper
to a cup of hot cocoa.

* Ginger-
Used to make gingerbread houses, this spice contains a number of special compounds
that help raise metabolism.
Add 2 to 4 tsps. a day, to hot cereals, stir-fried vegetable dishes, a cup of tea or hot cocoa.

* Journal of Affective Disorders
* Canadian Researchers
* Julius Oben, Ph. D.
* Fred Pescatore, M.D.& Nutrition Expert

One last reminder:
For all of the last minute-shoppers, there’s help. Head to the top of this blog
and click on the buy button. Once there, download the E-Doc, The Procrastinator’s
Guide To Last-Minute Shopping, Spend Less Than $100 Per Person This Christmas.